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[英]OnActivityResult ()

I have code which should allow me to take value from calculator and use it further: 我有一些代码,应该可以让我从计算器中获取价值并进一步使用它:

//-----------------This section creates the keypad functionality
for (int o = 0; o < keybuttons.length; o++) {
    final int n = o;
    keybuttons[o] = (Button) findViewById(data.keyIds[n]);
    keybuttons[o].setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            try {
                String tmp = texts[selectEdit].getText()
                switch (n) {
                case 3:
                    texts[selectEdit].setText(tmp.substring(0, tmp.length() - 1));
                    break; //get cursor position and delete char
                case 7:
                        // Create intent for RealCalc.
                        Intent intent2 = new Intent("uk.co.quarticsoftware.REALCALC");
                        double x = 0; // Set initial value (double).
                        if (!texts[selectEdit].getText()
                            .equals("")) {
                            x = Double.valueOf(texts[selectEdit].getText()
                        intent2.putExtra("X", x);
                        // Launch calculator
                        try {
                            startActivityForResult(intent2, 0);
                        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
                            try {
                            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException f) {
                                // Google Play Store app not available.
                    } //open Calculator
                case 11:
                        if (!tmp.contains("E")) texts[selectEdit].setText(tmp + "" + keybuttons[n].getText());
                    } //check for E if dont have do default case
                case 15:
                    } //simulate back button
                        texts[selectEdit].setText(tmp + "" + keybuttons[n].getText());
                        //get cursor start and end and get entire String
                        // replace selected String with button text
                        //insert back
                } //end of switch
            } //end of try
            catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
                // Calculator not installed
            } //calculator.num=n;
            catch (Exception e) {
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
                EasyPhysActivity.error = sw.toString();

        protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
            super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                // User pressed OK.
                double value = data.getDoubleExtra("X", Double.NaN);
                if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
                    // Calculation result was "Error".
                } else {
                    // Calculation result ok.
            } else {
                // User pressed cancel or back button.


But it doesn't like these three lines: 但是它不喜欢这三行:

protected void onActivityResult (int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

If I delete @Override it becomes better, but it still shows an error for 如果删除@Override它会变得更好,但仍会显示错误消息

super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

What is going wrong in here? 这里出了什么问题?

You cannot override onActivityResult inside OnClickListener because it does not exist in the base class. 您不能在OnClickListener覆盖onActivityResult ,因为它在基类中不存在。 Move your onActivityResult code so that it is inside your Activity class, not the OnClickListner . 移动您的onActivityResult代码,使其位于Activity类(而不是OnClickListner

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