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jQuery Slidedown和隐藏问题

[英]jquery slidedown and hide issue

Please check this code: 请检查以下代码:

 var data = $(".others-involved-div-wrapper-tobe-copied").html();
 data = '<div class="others-involved-div-wrapper" >'+data+'</div>';
 if ($(".others-involved-div-wrapper").length > 1){
     $(".others-involved-div-wrapper:last .delete-more-others-involved").show();

Here the slideDown effect is not working. 这里的slideDown效果不起作用。 The data is not seen if I do display none in div 如果我在div中未显示任何内容,则看不到数据

data = '<div class="others-involved-div-wrapper" style="display:none;" >'+data+'</div>';

If I'm doing data = data.hide(); 如果我正在做data = data.hide(); ,Its showing error hide is not a function. ,它显示错误隐藏不是一个功能。

I just need slidedown effect when that data value is appended. 当附加该数据值时,我只需要下滑效果。

data = data.hide() wont work because it is just HTML text and not a jquery object. data = data.hide()无法使用,因为它只是HTML文本而不是jquery对象。

Check if 检查是否


returns a jquert object. 返回一个jquert对象。 That might be the problem. 那可能是问题所在。

Unless there is a reason that I'm unaware of, it appears that you are confusing jQuery with your variable assignments. 除非有我不知道的原因,否则您似乎将jQuery与变量分配混淆了。 Perhaps this might work for you: 也许这可能对您有用:

 var content = $(".others-involved-div-wrapper-tobe-copied").html(),
     data = '<div class="others-involved-div-wrapper" >'+ content +'</div>';


 if ($(".others-involved-div-wrapper").length > 1){

     $(".others-involved-div-wrapper:last .delete-more-others-involved").show();


And @GautamJeyaraman is right, you can't apply a jquery method to a non jQuery object. @GautamJeyaraman是正确的,您不能将jquery方法应用于非jQuery对象。

You can also refactor your code using a jQuery element creation construct. 您还可以使用jQuery元素创建构造来重构代码。

$("<div/>", {
    "class": "others-involved-div-wrapper",
    "html": $(".others-involved-div-wrapper-tobe-copied").html()

Or, even use .clone() . 或者,甚至使用.clone()

.toggleClass("others-involved-div-wrapper-tobe-copied others-involved-div-wrapper")

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