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如何在Windows Metro应用程序中使用XML解析在Gridview中绑定图像

[英]How to bind image in Gridview using xml parsing in windows metro app

I'm working on my first Windows 8 app. 我正在开发我的第一个Windows 8应用程序。 I'm trying to display a GridView populated with Image and Image description. 我正在尝试显示填充有Image和Image描述的GridView。 I want to get my data from an XML file I created. 我想从我创建的XML文件中获取数据。 I found the ItemSource property of the GridView and I try to bind my XML file to it but I can't do this. 我找到了GridView的ItemSource属性,并尝试将XML文件绑定到该属性,但是我不能这样做。

Please tell me right way to do this task. 请告诉我执行此任务的正确方法。 thanx 谢谢

You can't bind an XML file directly to GridView.ItemsSource , you need to parse it first into an object. 您不能将XML文件直接绑定到GridView.ItemsSource ,您需要首先将其解析为一个对象。 I'd create a class with all data to be displayed in GridView : 我将创建一个类,其中所有数据都将显示在GridView

public class GridViewItem
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public ImageSource Image { get; set; }

The next step is to parse the XML file into a list of GridViewItem s: 下一步是将XML文件解析为GridViewItem的列表:

var xmlString = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(storageFile);
var xml = XDocument.Parse(xmlString);
var Items = xml.Element("rootNode").Elements("itemNode").Select(i => new GridViewItem
        Description = (string)i.Element("descriptionNode"),
        Image = ParseImage(i.Element("imageNode"))

I've assumed the tags in your XML are rootNode , itemNode , descriptionNode and imageNode . 我认为在你的XML标签是rootNodeitemNodedescriptionNodeimageNode Also I don't know how your image data is stored in XML. 另外我也不知道您的图像数据如何以XML存储。 The logic to convert it to an ImageSource should be in ParseImage() . 将其转换为ImageSource的逻辑应该在ParseImage()

The only thing left is to assign the Items list above to a property in your view model serving as you DataContext and bind it to ItemsSource : 剩下的唯一事情就是将上面的Items列表分配给充当DataContext视图模型中的一个属性,并将其绑定到ItemsSource

<GridView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" />

This is the basic idea. 这是基本思想。 There's a lot of details missing in my answer but that's best I can do based on your question. 我的答案中遗漏了许多细节,但是根据您的问题,我最好能做到。

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