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[英]sql in php not returning anything

How do I see what is returned from a sql statement in php? 我如何查看php中的sql语句返回什么? I have the following function to get user name from mysql database and I use echo in another php to see the result but nothing shown. 我有以下功能从mysql数据库获取用户名,并且在另一个php中使用echo来查看结果,但未显示任何内容。

function get_user_name($id_user) {
    return mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT username FROM user WHERE id_user = '$id_user'"));

echo $id_user;
$a = get_user_name($id_user);
echo $a;

Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗? Thanks. 谢谢。

Are you echo ing the get_user_name(); 您是否正在echo get_user_name(); function?? 功能?? OR are you even connected to your database? 或者您是否已连接到数据库? these are two things you need to check before, (if the problem remains) including an error handling method ie or die(mysql_error()) at the end of your query to find out the problem. 这是您需要检查的两件事,如果问题仍然存在,则需要在查询末尾包括错误处理方法(即or die(mysql_error())以查找问题。

return mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id_user FROM user WHERE id_user = '$id_user'")or die (mysql_error()));

The error handling construct?? 错误处理构造? in mysql mysql_error() should output the problem in fairly understandable way, as to what is preventing your query not to be shown 在mysql中mysql_error()应该以一种可以理解的方式输出问题,以防止您的查询无法显示

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