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[英]Incomplete filedownloads with python

I have the following python code: 我有以下python代码:

import urllib2
DIR = '/home/aaron/Desktop/aaron-file/media/'
LOC = DIR+'/'+bounty.title+'.mp3'

u = urllib2.urlopen(url, 'rb')
localFile = open(LOC, 'wb')

It only creates small (roughly 60kb files), the files operate correctly accept for the sudden stop. 它只会创建较小的文件(大约60kb),文件运行正常,可以突然停止。 When I download from firefox (copy and paste the same url) I get full sized files (roughly 2mb). 当我从firefox下载(复制并粘贴相同的URL)时,我得到了完整尺寸的文件(大约2mb)。

I am running 32bit ubuntu. 我正在运行32位ubuntu。

UPDATE: I believe it may be a problem with the http content-length being inaccurate. 更新:我相信这可能与http内容长度不正确有关。 How then would I ignore/set different length. 那我将如何忽略/设置不同的长度。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Maybe the server, from which you are downloading rejects urllib2 default user agent. 也许您要从中下载的服务器拒绝urllib2默认用户代理。 Consider constructing a custom opener with a fake user agent header, like this: 考虑使用伪造的用户代理标头构造一个自定义打开器,如下所示:

opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]

and use opener() instead of urllib2.urlopen() 并使用opener()代替urllib2.urlopen()

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