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[英]fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I am compiling the following code and I am receiving an error. 我正在编译以下代码,但收到错误。 I want to practice templates in boost and I do not know how to handle this problem 我想在Boost中练习模板,但我不知道该如何处理

#include <stdafx.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/function.hpp> 
#include <boost/array.hpp>

using namespace std;
template<typename R,typename D> 
class GenericFunction
    boost::function<R (D)> f;
    GenericFunction(const boost::function<R (D)>& myFunction);
    R evaluate(const D& value) const ;
    R operator ()(const D& value) const;
template <typename R, typename D, int N>
class ScalarValuedFunction:public GenericFunction<R,boost::array<D, N>>
    ScalarValuedFunction(const boost::function<R (const boost::array<D, N>)> &myF);

template<typename Numeric, std::size_t N>
Numeric Norm(const boost::array<Numeric , N>& Vec)
    Numeric Result=Vec[0]*Vec[0];
    for (std::size_t i=1; i<Vec.size();i++)
    return Result;

 int main ()
    const int N=4;
    boost::array<double, N> arr={0.2,.3,1.1,4};
    ScalarValuedFunction<double, double, N> myfun(Norm<double,N>);

and receiving the following error, 并收到以下错误,

ConsoleApplication2.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ScalarValuedFunction<double,double,4>::ScalarValuedFunction<double,double,4>(class boost::function<double __cdecl(class boost::array<double,4>)> const &)" (??0?$ScalarValuedFunction@NN$03@@QAE@ABV?$function@$$A6ANV?$array@N$03@boost@@@Z@boost@@@Z) referenced in function _main
1>c:\users\university\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication2\Debug\ConsoleApplication2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

please someone tell me what is wrong with my code? 请有人告诉我我的代码有什么问题吗?

You did not provide a definition for your ScalarValuedFunction class template's constructor, which is nevertheless declared in the class template's definition: 您没有为您提供一个定义 ScalarValuedFunction类模板的构造函数,这是在类模板的定义仍然宣称

ScalarValuedFunction(const boost::function<R (const boost::array<D, N>)> &myF);

The linker therefore complains that the call to the constructor could not be resolved. 因此,链接器抱怨无法解决对构造函数的调用。 The call occurs in main() : 调用发生在main()

ScalarValuedFunction<double, double, N> myfun(Norm<double,N>);

To fix your problem, add a definition for the constructor. 要解决您的问题,请为构造函数添加一个定义。 For instance: 例如:

template<typename R, typename D, int N>
ScalarValuedFunction<R, D, N:::ScalarValuedFunction(
    const boost::function<R (const boost::array<D, N>)> &myF
    GenericFunction<R, boost::array<D, N>>::GenericFunction(myMF)
{ }


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