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[英]IllegalAccessError when accessing package private class in JMock

I have written a unit test using JMock 2.6.0-RC2 that makes use of several package private classes. 我已经使用JMock 2.6.0-RC2编写了单元测试,该测试利用了几个程序包私有类。 For some reason, this causes an IllegalAccessError : 由于某些原因,这将导致IllegalAccessError

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class foo.PackagePrivateClass from class $Proxy6
    at $Proxy6.getInstance(Unknown Source)
    at foo.UsingClass.<init>(UsingClass.java:6)
    at foo.FailingTest.testFailure(FailingTest.java:29)

I have uploaded a minimal Maven project that demonstrates the issue to here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/108474287/example-project.zip . 我已经在此处上传了一个最小的Maven项目,以演示该问题: http : //dl.dropbox.com/u/108474287/example-project.zip The relevant code is also shown below (it's fairly concise). 相关代码也显示在下面(非常简洁)。

Why am I seeing an error in my test? 为什么在测试中看到错误? The test class is part of the same package as the tested classes, so I would not expect access control to be an issue. 测试类与测试类属于同一包,因此我不希望访问控制成为问题。

Some interesting observations: 一些有趣的观察:

  1. If I change ExampleInterface to be package private (rather than public), the problem goes away. 如果我将ExampleInterface更改为包私有(而不是公共),则问题会消失。 Sadly, in my real-life project this is not a possibility. 可悲的是,在我的现实生活中,这是不可能的。

  2. The exception only occurs if I return a value from my mock object. 仅当我从模拟对象返回值时,才会发生异常。 Those who download my example project will see another test in which null is returned; 下载我的示例项目的人将看到另一个测试,该测试返回null this test passes. 这个测试通过了。

  3. If I move the all the classes into the default package, the tests pass! 如果我将所有类都移到默认包中,则测试通过! If all the classes remain in package foo , the tests fail. 如果所有类都保留在包foo ,则测试将失败。

Below are the files contained in my project. 以下是我的项目中包含的文件。 The ZIP I linked to above is a small Maven project that houses all of these. 我上面链接的ZIP是一个小型Maven项目,其中包含所有这些内容。

I have also posted this question to the JMock developer list. 我还将此问题发布到了JMock开发人员列表中。 I will update this question if I receives answers there (and vice versa). 如果我在那里收到答案,我将更新此问题(反之亦然)。

FailingTest.java FailingTest.java

package foo;

// Imports omitted

public class FailingTest {

  private static final PackagePrivateClass EXAMPLE_INSTANCE = 
      new PackagePrivateClass();

  public Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();

  public void testFailure() {
    final ExampleInterface exampleInterface = context

    context.checking(new Expectations() {

    new UsingClass(exampleInterface); <-- exception thrown from constructor

ExampleInterface.java ExampleInterface.java

package foo;

public interface ExampleInterface {
  PackagePrivateClass getInstance();

PackagePrivateClass.java PackagePrivateClass.java

package foo;

class PackagePrivateClass {

  PackagePrivateClass() {}

  public String toString() {
    return "Hello, World!";

UsingClass.java usingClass.java

package foo;

class UsingClass {

  UsingClass(ExampleInterface exampleInterface) {
    PackagePrivateClass bar = exampleInterface.getInstance(); // <--- exception
    System.out.println(bar);                                  // originates here

To provide an update for future readers.... 为将来的读者提供更新。

Currently, I believe this is a bug in JMock. 目前,我相信这是JMock中的错误。 I've filed it on the JMock github page: https://github.com/jmock-developers/jmock-library/issues/43 . 我已经将其归档在JMock github页面上: https : //github.com/jmock-developers/jmock-library/issues/43 No responses yet (nor to my comment on the mailing list). 尚无回复(我对邮件列表的评论也没有)。

I've since switched to Mockito , which is able to handle exactly the same situation without error. 从那以后 ,我切换到Mockito ,它能够处理完全相同的情况而不会出错。

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