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[英]Using Telprompt:// to make a call (editing message)

I have a pretty simple question with perhaps a difficult answer. 我有一个很简单的问题,也许很难回答。 Is it possible to edit the message that is thrown when you use "telprompt". 使用“ telprompt”时是否可以编辑抛出的消息。

My priority is that i want to make a call and that after that call i want to return to the app itself instead of the Apple phone app. 我的优先事项是我想打个电话,那之后我要返回到应用程序本身而不是Apple手机应用程序。

But when i use a webView or the telprompt method it throws a message. 但是,当我使用webView或telprompt方法时,它将引发一条消息。 I guess this is for safety reasons which is fine.. But the message only displays a phonenumber and two buttons. 我想这是出于安全原因,这很好。.但是该消息仅显示一个电话号码和两个按钮。 I want to add a name or something here. 我想在这里添加名称或其他名称。

Is this possible? 这可能吗? How? 怎么样?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

No, you cannot. 你不能。 Period. 期。

(chit chat chit chat to reach characters limit) (聊天可达到字符数限制)

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