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[英]sql minimum from one column, unique for another column group by a third

I have this query where I'm selecting from three tables 我有这个查询,我从三个表中选择

    min(t.ReminderDt) as 'rem dt',  
    m.Group_Id, m.AccountNumber 
    ACE_AccsLevelTran t, ACE_AccsLevelMaster m 
    t.MasterAccNumber = m.AccountNumber 
group by  
    m.Group_Id, m.AccountNumber;

This results in: 这导致:

rem dt | Group_Id| AccountNumber
2/8/2013 | 3 | 4216985
2/22/2013 | 4 | 4274863
2/7/2013 | 3 | 4366383
2/28/2013 | 4 | 7151712

How do I get the rows for only the minimum dates for 3 and 4 like the result - 我如何获得3和4的最小日期行,如结果 -

2/7/2013 | 3 | 4366383
2/22/2013 | 4 | 4274863

Just remove the account_number from the group by and surround it with min() or max() on the select line: 只需从组中删除account_number,并在select行上使用min()max()将其包围:

select min(t.ReminderDt) as 'rem dt',  m.Group_Id, min(m.AccountNumber)
from ACE_AccsLevelTran t,     ACE_AccsLevelMaster m 
where t.MasterAccNumber=m.AccountNumber
group by  m.Group_Id

That returns an arbitrary account number. 返回任意帐号。 To get the row with the minimum value, the best way is to use row_number() : 要获得具有最小值的 ,最好的方法是使用row_number()

select *
from (select t.ReminderDt) as 'rem dt',  m.Group_Id, m.AccountNumber,
            row_number() over (partition by group_id order by reminderdt desc) as seqnum
      from ACE_AccsLevelTran t join ACE_AccsLevelMaster m 
           on t.MasterAccNumber=m.AccountNumber
     ) t
where seqnum = 1

Also, you should learn ANSI standard JOIN syntax, as used in this query. 此外,您应该学习此标准中使用的ANSI标准JOIN语法。

If your accountNumber is Unique too you can do it in this way: 如果您的accountNumber也是唯一的,您可以这样做:

Select m.Group_Id ,X.MinReminderDT,m.AccountNumber 
from ACE_AccsLevelMaster m join(
select min(t.ReminderDt) as MinReminderDT,t.MasterAccNumber
from ACE_AccsLevelTran t
Group By t.MasterAccNumber) X on X.MasterAccNumber=m.AccountNumber

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