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[英]What does a hash (#) followed by a number mean in XSLT?

For example, the #1 in: 例如,#1中:

f:is-subordinate($M, $E, f:direct-reports#1)

from http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#d7e22590 来自http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-30/#d7e22590

This is called the arity, and it's the number of parameters required by a function. 这称为arity,它是函数所需的参数数量。 If you don't have any hash (#), the arity of the function is 0. 如果没有任何哈希(#),则该函数的arity为0。

Here, it refers to a direct-reports function which take a single parameter. 这里,它指的是采用单个参数的direct-reports功能。

With arity, you can have several functions with the same name, but a number of parameters which differs. 使用arity,您可以使用多个具有相同名称的函数,但有许多参数不同。

The example you point to is a higher-order function that takes another function as a parameter. 您指向的示例是一个高阶函数,它将另一个函数作为参数。 The f:direct-reports#1 denotes the function named f:direct-reports that takes 1 argument - the number after the hash is referred to as the function's arity - and this function#arity syntax is the way you refer to the function itself as a first-class object, as opposed to calling the function and making use of its return value. f:direct-reports#1表示名为f:direct-reports的函数f:direct-reports ,它接受1个参数 - 哈希之后的数字称为函数的arity - 而这个function#arity语法就是你引用函数本身的方式作为第一类对象,而不是调用函数并利用其返回值。

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