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这个小数字在Android Studio中意味着什么?

[英]What does this little number mean in Android Studio?

For a couple of days, now, I've had this weird little number "4" showing up next to my activity_main.xml in the Project pane in Android Studio: 几天来,我在Android Studio的“项目”窗格中的activity_main.xml旁边显示了这个奇怪的小数字“ 4”:


Does anyone know what that little yellow number means?? 有谁知道那个小小的黄色数字意味着什么?

I've tried hovering the mouse over it to find out but nothing happens. 我尝试将鼠标悬停在它上面以进行查找,但是什么也没有发生。

I've tried searching through my activity_main.xml text for the number 4 to see if that leads to any clues... and also looked through the layout warnings to see whether any particular warning occurs 4 times. 我尝试在我的activity_main.xml文本中搜索数字4,以查看是否有任何线索...,还查看了布局警告,以查看是否有4次特定警告出现。 But no. 但不是。

I've also tried Googling terms like: 我也尝试过谷歌搜索,例如:

  • "activity_main.xml number next to it" “旁边的activity_main.xml号”
  • "layout xml small yellow number meaning android studio" “布局xml小黄色数字表示android studio”

...but these searches return billions of unrelated results due to the common basic terms. ...但是由于通用的基本术语,这些搜索会返回数十亿不相关的结果。

It's a bookmark with a mnemonic - Navigate/Bookmarks/Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic. 这是带有助记符的书签-使用助记符导航/书签/切换书签。

For the example in the picture, because it's a number, you can press Ctrl+4 as a shortcut to go there. 对于图片中的示例,因为它是数字,所以您可以按Ctrl + 4作为进入该位置的快捷方式。

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