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将 yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 转换为 dayoftheweek, dd of monthname yyyy

[英]Convert yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to dayoftheweek, dd of monthname yyyy

I almost have this by我几乎有这个

$this->fecha = '2013 05-05 05:55:05'
$yearvalue = date("Y", strtotime($this->fecha) );
$monthname = date("F", strtotime($this->fecha) );
$dayvalue = date("d", strtotime($this->fecha) );
$printFecha = "$dayvalue of $monthname $yearvalue";

Which outputs 5 of May 2013其中输出 5 of May 2013

How can I get the name of the day of the week?如何获得星期几的名称?

Using date of 2005-05-12:使用日期2005-05-12:

echo date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 12, 2005)); 

you'd get 'Thursday'.你会得到“星期四”。

You can do it like this,你可以这样做,

echo date('l j \of F Y', $this->date);

Your output will be something like this你的输出将是这样的

Sunday 5 of May 2013

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