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[英]Finding integers divisible by x an y in J

Writing my first J program to solver Euler problem #1 (find the sum of all natural numbers below 1000 that are multiples of 3 or 5), I got the following solution: 将我的第一个J程序编写到求解器Euler问题#1 (找到小于1000的所有自然数之和,即3或5的倍数),我得到以下解决方案:

+/(+./0=3 5|/n)#n=.i.1000

However, I pretty sure there is a clever way of doing it, without using a variable. 但是,我很确定有一种巧妙的方法,无需使用变量。 I tried to rewrite it using a fork, but I don't see how I could replace the expression between () as a verb applied to 3 5 and i.1000 . 我试图用叉子来重写它,但是我看不出如何替换()之间的表达式作为应用于3 5i.1000的动词。 Could anybody help me? 有人可以帮我吗?

To parameterize both values, and thus generalize to a dyadic verb, we'll need to pass each of the parameters through to the places where they're needed. 为了参数化这两个值,并泛化成二进式动词,我们需要将每个参数传递到需要它们的地方。 We can focus on the sole point where 3 5 is actually needed by starting with this fork: 我们可以从这个分支开始,着眼于实际需要3 5的唯一点:

   3 5 ([ |/ i.@]) 1000

In the overall program we need the integers list in two places. 在整个程序中,我们需要将整数列表放在两个位置。 The name ( n ) gave us an easy way to use that list in both places. 名称( n )使我们可以轻松地在两个地方使用该列表。 To quickly get the whole program in place, in writing this I initially calculated the list twice: 为了快速完成整个程序,在编写此代码时,我首先对列表进行了两次计算:

   3 5 ([: +/ i.@] # [:+./ 0= [ |/ i.@]) 1000

This succeeds at phrasing your whole program as a dyadic verb, but there are disadvantages to having i. 这样可以成功地将您的整个程序短语化为二元动词,但是使用i.存在一些缺点i. appear twice. 出现两次。 We can extract it to occur only once by making it the right tine of a fork. 通过使其成为叉子的正确尖齿,我们可以将其提取仅发生一次。 The center of that fork is a new, inner, verb. 该分叉的中心是一个新的内部动词。

   3 5 ([: +/ [ (] # [:+./ 0= [ |/ ]) i.@]) 1000
NB.              ___________________             new "inner" verb, parenthesized

This inner verb needs to receive the 3 5 as an argument so I pass through the left argument of the outermost verb as the left argument to this inner verb. 该内部动词需要接受3 5作为自变量,因此我将最外面的动词的左侧自变量作为该内部动词的左侧自变量。 This means Left ( [ ) in the inner verb has the same value it had in the previous version, when it referred to the outermost argument. 这意味着内部动词中的Left( [ )引用最外面的参数时,其值与先前版本中的相同。 Within this new verb Right ( ] ) refers to the list of integers, occurring in the two places that i.@] appeared before. 在这个新动词中,Right( ]指整数列表,出现在i.@]之前出现的两个位置。

Postscript: As you showed in your comment, [ |/ ] simplifies to |/ 附言:正如您在评论中所显示的, [ |/ ]简化为|/

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