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[英]Javascript regex splitting words in a comma separated string

I am trying to split a comma separated string using regex. 我正在尝试使用正则表达式拆分逗号分隔的字符串。

var a = 'hi,mr.007,bond,12:25PM'; //there are no white spaces between commas
var b = /(\S+?),(?=\S|$)/g;
b.exec(a); // does not catch the last item.

Any suggestion to catch all the items. 任何建议捕获所有项目。

Use a negated character class: 使用否定的字符类:


will match groups of non-commas. 将匹配非逗号组。

< a = 'hi,mr.007,bond,12:25PM'
> "hi,mr.007,bond,12:25PM"
< b=/([^,]+)/g
> /([^,]+)/g
< a.match(b)
> ["hi", "mr.007", "bond", "12:25PM"]

Why not just use .split ? 为什么不直接使用.split

["hi", "mr.007", "bond", "12:25PM"]

If you must use regex for some reason: 如果由于某种原因必须使用正则表达式:

["hi,", "mr.007,", "bond,", "12:25PM"]

(note the inclusion of commas). (注意包含逗号)。

If you are passing a CSV file, some of your values may have got double-quotes around them, so you may need something a little more complicated. 如果您传递的是CSV文件,那么您的某些值可能会有双引号,因此您可能需要更复杂的内容。 For example: 例如:

Pattern splitCommas = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("(?:^|,)((?:[^\",]|\"[^\"]*\")*)");

Matcher m = splitCommas.matcher("11,=\"12,345\",ABC,,JKL");

while (m.find()) {
    System.out.println( m.group(1));

or in Groovy: 或者在Groovy中:

                .collect { it[1] }

This code handles: 此代码处理:

  • blank lines (with no values or commas on them) 空行(没有值或逗号)
  • empty columns, including the last column being empty 空列,包括最后一列为空
  • handles values wrapped in double-quotes, including commas inside the double-quotes 处理用双引号括起来的值,包括双引号内的逗号
  • but does not handle two double-quotes used for escaping a double quote-itself 但是没有处理用于转义双引号本身的两个双引号

The pattern consists of: 该模式包括:

  • (?:^|,) matches the start of the line or a comma after the last column, but does not add that to the group (?:^|,)匹配行的开头或最后一列之后的逗号,但不会将其添加到组

  • ((?:[^",]|"[^"]*")*) matches the value of the column, and consists of: ((?:[^",]|"[^"]*")*)匹配列的值,包括:

    • a collecting group, which collects zero or more characters that are: 收集组,收集零个或多个字符:

      • [^",] is a character that's not a comma or a quote [^",]是一个不是逗号或引号的字符
      • "[^"]*" is a double-quote followed by zero or more other characters ending in another double-quote "[^"]*"是双引号,后跟零个或多个以另一个双引号结尾的其他字符
    • those are or-ed together, using a non-collecting group: (?:[^",]|"[^"]*") 那些是使用非收集组共同编排的: (?:[^",]|"[^"]*")

    • use a * to repeat the above any number of times: (?:[^",]|"[^"]*")* 使用*重复上述任何次数: (?:[^",]|"[^"]*")*
    • and into a collecting group to give the columns value: ((?:[^",]|"[^"]*")*) 并进入一个收集组给列值: ((?:[^",]|"[^"]*")*)

Doing escaping of double quotes is left as an exercise to the reader 逃避双引号是留给读者的练习

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