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[英]How to get the actual width available for content on the browser window?

I'm positioning my elements using JavaScript. 我正在使用JavaScript定位元素。 In order to do it perfectly I have to get the amount of horizontal space available. 为了做到完美,我必须获得可用的水平空间。 Badly, $(window).width() does not take in account the scrollbar width. 严重的是, $(window).width()没有考虑滚动条的宽度。 The result is this: 结果是这样的:

bad http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62862049/Screenshots/fb.png 错误的http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62862049/Screenshots/fb.png

Here, "Pagina 1" is contained in a small div that was supposed to align with the right border of the window. 在这里,“ Pagina 1”包含在一个小div中,该div应该与窗口的右边界对齐。 Well, it does - literally - ignoring the scrollbar, which covers part of the div, throwing the "1" of "Página 1" to the next line. 好吧,实际上,它确实忽略了覆盖div一部分的滚动条,将“Página1”的“ 1”抛出到下一行。

use this function 使用这个功能

function scrollbar_width() {

        var calculation_content = $('<div style="width:50px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:-200px;left:-200px;"><div style="height:100px;"></div>');
        var width_one = jQuery('div', calculation_content).innerWidth();
        calculation_content.css('overflow-y', 'scroll');
        var width_two = jQuery('div', calculation_content).innerWidth();
        return (width_one - width_two);


now calculate available with 现在计算可用

var availableWidth = $(window).width() - scrollbar_width();

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