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[英]How to get browser width (not document/window)?

I'm struggling to find a solution to get the browser's width, not the document width. 我正在努力寻找一种解决方案来获取浏览器的宽度,而不是文档的宽度。


This is the famous method to get it but I want to get the value inside an iframe (which is smaller than browser's viewport) but with the measures from browser (not the iframe). 这是获得它的著名方法,但我想在iframe(小于浏览器的视口)中获取值,但要使用来自浏览器(而非iframe)的度量。 Like, testing in codepen or jsfiddle, I only get the width from result area. 就像在Codepen或jsfiddle中进行测试一样,我只从结果区域获取宽度​​。

browser (width: 1260px)
  > body
    > iframe (width: 260px)
    > iframe (width: 1000px)
      here, I want to get the browser value

let's say you have something like that 假设您有类似的事情

<!DOCTYPE html>

<iframe id="myFrame" src="https://www.w3schools.com">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>


To get the iFrame width: 要获取iFrame宽度:

javascript javascript


jQuery jQuery的


iFrame reference iFrame参考

To get browser width 获取浏览器宽度

javascript javascript

window.parent.width; // or innerwidth

parent reference 家长参考

To get screen width 获取屏幕宽度

javascript javascript


screen reference 屏幕参考

You can mix all these techniques and get width of everything in your browser 您可以混合使用所有这些技术,并获得浏览器中所有内容的宽度

This? 这个?


window.innerWidth is the width of the area within the browser. window.innerWidth是浏览器内区域的宽度。 window.outerWidth is, unsurprisingly, the width of the browser itself. 毫不奇怪, window.outerWidth是浏览器本身的宽度。

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