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[英]Call a generic non-static method with dynamic type and generic callback as parameter

Developing an app for Android (and later iOS) using Xamarin/Mono. 使用Xamarin / Mono开发适用于Android(及更高版本的iOS)的应用。 Normally I use this code to call a non-static generic method and it works great: 通常,我使用以下代码来调用非静态泛型方法,并且效果很好:

serverService.GetCustomListObject<T> (firstRequestInLine,

where the callbacks are defined as: 回调定义为:

private void onGetCustomListObjectFromThread<T> (List<T> list, 
                                                 RequestStateGen<T>.SuccessfullDelegateType successDel
{ ... }


private void onGetCustomListObjectFromThreadError (String error,
                                                   WebRequest failedRequest)
{ ... }

However, now I need to call GetCustomListObject<t> where t is set dynamically. 但是,现在我需要调用GetCustomListObject<t> ,其中t是动态设置的。 I am quite new to generics but have tried the following code from other examples without success: 我对泛型很陌生,但是尝试了其他示例中的以下代码,但未成功:

typeof(ServerService).GetMethod ("GetCustomListObject").MakeGenericMethod (t).Invoke (serverService, new object[] {
        typeof(LocalServerService).GetMethod ("onGetCustomListObjectFromThread").MakeGenericMethod (t),
        typeof(LocalServerService).GetMethod ("onGetCustomListObjectFromThreadError")

where LocalServerService is the class all my examples here are in and serverService is of type ServerService 其中LocalServerService是我在此处的所有示例均位于的类,而serverService的类型为ServerService

I get the following error: 我收到以下错误:

Error: Ambiguous matching in method resolution

Edit: GetCustomListObject in ServerService: 编辑: ServerService中的GetCustomListObject:

public void GetCustomListObject<T> (WebRequest request,
                                    RequestStateGen<T>.SuccessfullDelegateType successDelegate,
                                    RequestStateGen<T>.InternalSuccessDelegateType internalSuccessDelegate,
                                    RequestStateGen<T>.ErrorDelegateType errorDelegate)

In your original code, you were calling a method passing in delegates. 在您的原始代码中,您正在调用传入委托的方法。

In your reflection code, you appear to be passing in MethodInfo values instead - I don't believe they will automatically be converted to delegates. 在您的反射代码中,您似乎是在传递MethodInfo值-我不相信它们会自动转换为委托。

Unfortunately it's hard to give a good code sample without knowing the declaration of your GetCustomListObject method, but you want something like: 不幸的是很难提供一个良好的代码示例,不知道你的声明GetCustomListObject方法,但你想要的东西 ,如:

Type thirdArgType = typeof(Foo<>).MakeGenericGenericType(t);
MethodInfo thirdArgMethod = typeof(LocalServerService)
                                           BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
Delegate thirdArg = Delegate.CreateDelegate(thirdArgType, this, thirdArgMethod);

MethodInfo fourthArgMethod = typeof(LocalServerService)
                                            BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Delegate fourthArg = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Bar), this, fourthArgMethod);

MethodInfo method = typeof(ServerService).GetMethod("GetCustomListObject")
                                         .MakeGenericMethod (t);
    new object[] {firstRequestInline, null, thirdArg, fourthArg });

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