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[英]ios provision profile error

I'm trying to build development version of application with provision profile included (for Push Notifications) and getting fail to install it. 我正在尝试构建包含配置文件的应用程序的开发版本(用于推送通知),但安装失败。 I've cleared all certificates and rebuild them all EXACTLY step-by-step as says http://docs.madewithmarmalade.com/native/platformguides/iosguide/iossigning/iossigningassetssetup.html . 我已经清除了所有证书,并按照http://docs.madewithmarmalade.com/native/platformguides/iosguide/iossigning/iossigningassetssetup.html的说明完全逐步地重建了所有证书。 When I include iphone-provisioning-profile in mkb file I have success build but if I try to install it on the iPhone 5/iPad 3 installation error occurs. 当我在mkb文件中包含iphone-provisioning-profile时,我可以成功构建,但是如果尝试在iPhone 5 / iPad 3上安装它,则会发生安装错误。 If I build application without provisionprofile file - installation process ok. 如果我构建没有提供配置文件的应用程序-安装过程正常。 All devices has actual .provisionprofile files uploaded, iOS 6.1.2. 所有设备均已上传iOS 6.1.2实际的.provisionprofile文件。

Marmalade Makefile Builder v6.2.1 [336699]
Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Marmalade.
e:\Marmalade\6.2\s3e\makefile_builder\mkb.py --verbose=1 e:/Marmalade/6.2/examples/s3e/s3eIOSNotifications/s3eIOSNotifications.mkb --deploy-only
Building project: e:/Marmalade/6.2/examples/s3e/s3eIOSNotifications/s3eIOSNotifications.mkb
setting root dir: e:\marmalade\6.2\examples\s3e
loading mkf: [e:\marmalade\6.2\examples\s3e] 'ExamplesMain'
loading mkf: [e:\marmalade\6.2\extensions] 's3eIOSNotifications'
loading mkf: [e:\marmalade\6.2\modules] 'iwutil'
package is deprecated
adding package reference: C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\Marmalade\packages\6.2.1\libjpeg_6b
loading mkf: [C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\Marmalade\packages\6.2.1\libjpeg_6b] 'libjpeg'
adding package reference: C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\Marmalade\packages\6.2.1\libpng_1.2.34
loading mkf: [C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\Marmalade\packages\6.2.1\libpng_1.2.34] 'libpng'
package is deprecated
adding package reference: C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\Marmalade\packages\6.2.1\zlib_1.2.4
loading mkf: [C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\APPLIC~1\Marmalade\packages\6.2.1\zlib_1.2.4] 'zlib'
using build directory 'build_s3eiosnotifications_vc9'
adding PATH: e:\marmalade\6.2\s3e\gcc\bin
using gcc toolchain: arm-none-eabi-gcc []
using RVCT version: 5.2
adding PATH: E:\DS-5\bin
using RVCT from: E:\DS-5\bin
found app.icf in data dir
adding PATH: e:\marmalade\6.2\s3e\bin
Wrote file 'deploy_config.py'.
adding PATH: e:\marmalade\6.2\tools\gcc\mips\android_mips_windows\bin
using gcc_mips toolchain: mipsel-linux-android-gcc []
Wrote file 'linker_script'.
Doing: "Package" on Configuration Default to iphone
running s3e_deploy commandline: "e:\marmalade\6.2\s3e\python\python.exe" "E:\Marmalade\6.2\s3e\deploy\main.py" "-n" "--os" "iphone" "--arch" "arm" "e:\Marmalade\6.2\examples\s3e\s3eIOSNotifications\build_s3eiosnotifications_vc9\deploy_temp.py"
Marmalade Deployment Tool v1.3
Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Marmalade
Licensed Platforms=NONE, current platform=iphone
WARNING: temporary folder already exists (e:\Marmalade\6.2\examples\s3e\s3eIOSNotifications\build_s3eiosnotifications_vc9\deployments\default\iphone\release.old)
deploying s3eIOSNotifications [0.0.1] [arm-release] for 'iphone' to folder: 'deployments\default\iphone\release\intermediate_files'
--> copying files ...
Not using generic splashscreens for iOS
--> updating s3e binary: compression=none signing=0 config-embedding=1
 [execute] s3e_mod.exe
--> performing custom deployment steps for: 'iphone'
Linking iOS loader with extension library s3eIOSNotifications
 [execute] ld64.exe
WARNING: No iPhone portrait splashscreen specified.  Using the generic splash screen.
WARNING: No iPad portrait splashscreen specified.  Using the generic splash screen.
WARNING: No iPad landscape splashscreen specified.  Using the generic splash screen
WARNING: Expanding smaller image (e:/marmalade/6.2/examples/resources/splashscreens\splash_640.png) to (768x1024)
 [execute] s3eRelocate
 [execute] mod_apple_loader.pyc
Embedding provisioning profile in app
signing with Developer entitlements: NOT for App Store
provisioning profile does not specify 'aps-environment' - push notifications and email will not work
App ID from info.plist: 38ZJGRK9WD.38ZJGRK9WD.com.findandtry.findandtry2
Provisioning profile app ID matches: 38ZJGRK9WD.com.findandtry.findandtry2
created temp.xcent
 [execute] codesign.exe
creating .app zip: deployments\default\iphone\release\s3eIOSNotifications.app.zip
adding app_dir to zip: deployments\default\iphone\release\intermediate_files\s3eIOSNotifications.app
creating IPA: deployments\default\iphone\release\s3eIOSNotifications.ipa
creating ipa: deployments\default\iphone\release\s3eIOSNotifications.ipa
adding app_dir to zip: deployments\default\iphone\release\intermediate_files\s3eIOSNotifications.app
SUCCESS (WITH WARNINGS): EVALUATION USE ONLY package written to 'e:\Marmalade\6.2\examples\s3e\s3eIOSNotifications\build_s3eiosnotifications_vc9\deployments\default\iphone\release' [took 4.16s]. This package is not licensed for commercial use

The mkb file: #!/usr/bin/env mkb files { s3eIOSNotifications.cpp } mkb文件:#!/ usr / bin / env mkb文件{s3eIOSNotifications.cpp}




    # Note the App/Bundle ID must be set to the same value as an app registered
    # through iTunes Connect or the app will not be recognised by Apple's APNs

    # A provisioning profile, set up to use the same full app/bundle name, must
    # also be embedded or the app will not be able to retreive a token for
    # remote notifications.

I'm using Marmalade 6.2.1, tried both RVCT and GCC compilers for ARM, building standart example of s3eIOSNotifications as-is. 我正在使用Marmalade 6.2.1,为ARM尝试了RVCT和GCC编译器,并按原样构建了s3eIOSNotifications的标准示例。 I explores .ipa file and compare .provisionprofile files inside .ipa and original - there are identical. 我浏览了.ipa文件,并比较了.ipa和原始文件中的.provisionprofile文件-完全相同。 What should I do? 我该怎么办?

Explaining iOS builds made using marmalade:- 解释使用果酱制作的iOS版本:-

Development build 开发构建
When making development build, you do not need to add a provisional profile, in the deploy tool or mkb. 在进行开发构建时,无需在部署工具或mkb中添加临时配置文件。 The device needs to have development provision profile installed in it, or need to be embedded in the ipa (just open the ipa in winrar and put the mobileprovision file, renamed as embedded.mobileprovision ). 该设备需要在其中安装开发配置文件,或者需要嵌入到ipa中(只需在winrar中打开ipa并放入mobileprovision文件,重命名为embedded.mobileprovision )。 That's just for development build. 那只是为了开发。

Release Build 发布版本
To make a release build you need to provide specific release provision profile (not the development one) from either deploy tool or mkb file. 要进行发行版本构建,您需要通过部署工具或mkb文件提供特定的发行条款配置文件(而不是开发版本)。 Just including the profile in mbk will convert the build as release. 仅将配置文件包含在mbk中,会将构建转换为发行版。 The most important thing is, you can't install a release build using ipcu or iTunes (Dunno about any other method) even in devices with development profile installed. 最重要的是,即使在已安装开发配置文件的设备中,您也无法使用ipcuiTunes安装发行版本(关于其他方法,请注意不知道)。 The release build is just for submission to the app store. 发布版本仅用于提交到应用商店。

So the point is, just ignore the provision profile section if you are just testing the build in device. 因此,要点是,如果您只是在测试内置设备,则忽略供应配置文件部分。 Only include the profile, if you're actually going to submit the same build to app store. 如果您实际上要将相同的构建提交到应用商店,则仅包括配置文件。

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