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[英]cmd string replacement of special character

I am trying to replace ~ with %HOME% in a batch script. 我试图在批处理脚本中用%HOME%替换~ This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set str=%*
set replacement=%HOME%
set str=%str:~=!replacement!%
echo %str%

This does not work as I expect, presumably because I need to escape the tilde ~ in some way. 这不会像我期望的那样起作用,大概是因为我需要以某种方式逃避波浪号~

When I escape with ^ , str is unchanged. 当我用^转义时, str不变。 Without escape, str is the string str:~=<my_home_path> . 没有转义, str是字符串str:~=<my_home_path>

How can I change "~/work/my_folder" into "C:/Users/login/work/my_folder" ? 如何将"~/work/my_folder"更改为"C:/Users/login/work/my_folder"

If the ~ is always the first character, you can use somewhat like this: 如果~总是第一个字符,你可以使用如下:

@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "str=|~/work/my_folder"
set "replacement=C:/Users/login"
set str=%str:|~=!replacement!%
echo %str%

Or a bit more complex: 或者更复杂一点:

@echo off &setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "str=~/work/my_folder -param one ~ two:~"
set "replacement=C:/Users/login"
call :strlen str len
set /a len-=1
for /l %%i in (0,1,%len%) do if "!str:~%%i,1!"=="~" (set "new=!new!%replacement%") else set "new=!new!!str:~%%i,1!"
echo %new%
goto :eof

:: list string length up to 8189 (and reports 8189 for any string longer than 8189)
:: function from http://ss64.org/viewtopic.php?pid=6478#p6478
(   setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & set /a "}=0"
    if "%~1" neq "" if defined %~1 (
        for %%# in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16) do (
            if "!%~1:~%%#,1!" neq "" set "%~1=!%~1:~%%#!" & set /a "}+=%%#"
        set "%~1=!%~1!0FEDCBA9876543211" & set /a "}+=0x!%~1:~32,1!!%~1:~16,1!"
endlocal & set /a "%~2=%}%" & exit /b

Output: 输出:

C:/Users/login/work/my_folder -param one C:/Users/login two:C:/Users/login

This doesn't work with exclamation marks. 这不适用于感叹号。

I think you're pretty close already except for a couple of minor problems. 除了一些小问题之外,我认为你已经非常接近了。

Firstly, there's probably no environment variable in Windows for %home% -- at least not on my system, anyway. 首先,对于%home% ,Windows中可能没有环境变量 - 至少在我的系统上没有。 I think the variable you're looking for is %userprofile% . 我认为您要查找的变量是%userprofile% ss64.com has an excellent list and description of Windows environment variables . ss64.com有一个很好的Windows环境变量列表和描述。

The other problem is that you're delaying expansion in the wrong order. 另一个问题是你以错误的顺序推迟扩张。 Try changing your penultimate line to set str=!str:~=%userprofile%! 尝试更改倒数第二行以set str=!str:~=%userprofile%! so that the inner variable expands before the outer. 以便内部变量在外部之前扩展。 Translating forward slashes to backward might not be a bad idea, either. 将正斜杠向后翻译可能也不是一个坏主意。

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set str=%*
set "str=!str: ~= %userprofile%!"
set "str=!str:*~=%userprofile%!"
set "str=%str:\=/%"
echo %str%

Example output: 示例输出:

C:\Users\me\Desktop>test ~/.bash_profile

C:\Users\me\Desktop>test arg1 arg2 ~/.bash_profile
arg1 arg2 C:/Users/me/.bash_profile
    SET OldStr=~\work\my_folder
    SET NewStr=
    SET Replacement=C:\Users\login\work\my_folder
    CALL :ReplaceHome "%OldStr%"
    ECHO %NewStr%

    IF "%~1"=="" EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%
    SET TempStr=%~1
    IF "%TempStr:~0,1%"=="~" SET TempStr=%Replacement%%TempStr:~1%
    SET NewStr=%NewStr%%TempStr:~0,1%
    CALL :ReplaceHome "%TempStr:~1%"

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