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[英]Overload cout operator for a dynamic array in a class

I am trying to overload the operator << for cout for a dynamic array in a class. 我正在尝试为类中的动态数组的cout重载运算符<< My class and member functions are as follows: 我的类和成员函数如下:

class Matrix{
    int rows;
    int columns;
    double* matrix;
    explicit Matrix(int N);
    Matrix(int M, int N);
    void setValue(int M, int N, double value);
    double getValue(int M, int N);
    bool isValid() const;
    int getRows();
    int getColumns();
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Matrix&matrix1);

}; };

    matrix = NULL;

Matrix::Matrix(int N){
    matrix = new double[N * N];
    rows = N;
    columns = N;

    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){
                matrix[i * N + j] = 1;
                matrix[i * N + j] = 0;

Matrix::Matrix(int M, int N){
    matrix = new double[M * N];
    rows = M;
    columns = N;

    for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            matrix[i * N + j] =  0;

    delete [] matrix;

void Matrix::setValue(int M, int N, double value){
    matrix[M * columns + N] = value;

double Matrix::getValue(int M, int N){
    return matrix[M * columns + N];

bool Matrix::isValid() const{
        return false;
        return true;

int Matrix::getRows(){
    return rows;

int Matrix::getColumns(){
    return columns;

I've tried to implement the << operator as follows: 我试图实现<<操作符,如下所示:

ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Matrix&matrix1){
Matrix mat1;
int C = mat1.getColumns();
int R = mat1.getRows();

for(int i = 0; i < R; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < C; j++)
        out << mat1.getValue(i,j) << "\t";
    out << endl;
return out;

} }

and call it from a function: 并从一个函数中调用它:

void test(){
Matrix mat1(3,4);
cout << mat1 << endl;

} }

but this doesn't print anything at all. 但这根本不打印任何内容。 It seems like the overload functions doesn't get any values for C and R , but I might be wrong. 似乎重载函数没有获得CR任何值,但我可能错了。 Anyone got some ideas? 有人知道吗?

It is suppose to print dynamic matrices on the form 假设在表格上打印动态矩阵

a11     a12     a13    . . .
a21     a22     a23    . . .
.        .       .     . . .
.        .       .     . . .
.        .       .     . . .

You need to print the contents of matrix1 . 您需要打印matrix1的内容。 You are creating a local empty matrix mat1 and printing its contents instead. 您正在创建本地空矩阵mat1并打印其内容。

ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Matrix& matrix1) 
  int C = matrix1.getColumns();
  int R = matrix1.getRows();

  for(int i = 0; i < R; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < C; j++)
        out << matrix1.getValue(i,j) << "\t";
    out << endl;
  return out;


You are printing an empty mat1 , not given matrix1 . 您正在打印一个空mat1 ,没有给出matrix1

ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Matrix& matrix1)
    //Matrix mat1;   // <- Comment ythis
    int C = matrix1.getColumns(); // <<- matrix1
    int R = matrix1.getRows(); // <<- matrix1

    for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < C; j++)
            out << matrix1.getValue(i, j) << "\t"; // <<- matrix1
        out << endl;
    return out;

我看到这个权利了吗,Matrix1是operator <<的参数,但是您要创建一个新的mat1并输出呢?

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