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[英]Best way to make StringTemplate limit the length of a string?

This is easiest to explain using a code example. 使用代码示例最容易解释。 In some scenarios, we have list items that have a lot of text, but showing more than the first few words is not useful, this is how we deal with it in JSP: 在某些情况下,我们的列表项包含很多文本,但是显示的内容多于前几个单词是没有用的,这就是我们在JSP中处理它的方式:

<% for(Item item : items) { %>
<% } %>

The filter has some logic that makes it avoid cutting words, and including a "..." to indicate truncation, and so on. 筛选器具有一些逻辑,使其可以避免剪切单词,并包括“ ...”以指示截断等。 ie: 即:

<li>Some text</li>
<li>Some other text that is longer...</li>

Is there a neat way to do this with a formatter. 是否有使用格式化程序执行此操作的整洁方法。 I know I could probably do something like this, but it seems a bit hacky, as we use different numbers in different locations: 我知道我可能可以做这样的事情,但是似乎有点不客气,因为我们在不同的位置使用不同的数字:


The simplest way is to customize a tag, eg 最简单的方法是自定义标签,例如

public class ShortenTag extends TagSupport{

  private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 30; 

  public int doStartTag(){

    // shorten string here


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