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将页面名称与jsf web.xml中的文件名分离

[英]decouple the page name from the file name in jsf web.xml

I would like the page generic.xhtml to be served in response to requests for specific1.xhtml, specific2.xhtml, etc... 我希望可以响应对specific1.xhtml,specific2.xhtml等的请求而提供页面generic.xhtml。

Is there some way to set up web.xml so that several requests map to a single file without doing a redirect? 是否可以通过某种方式设置web.xml,以便多个请求映射到单个文件而无需执行重定向? The specific.xhtml name should always be displayed to the user. specific.xhtml名称应始终显示给用户。

The specific names do not match a particular pattern, such as starting with the word specific. 特定名称与特定模式不匹配,例如以“单词”开头。 I have a list of specific names that are all implemented with one page. 我列出了所有用一页实现的特定名称。

This is equivalent to having generic.xhtml?name=specific1 except that the name parameter is the file name in the request. 这与具有generic.xhtml?name = specific1相同,除了name参数是请求中的文件名。

If this cannot be handled through web.xml or some other configuration file, what is another approach? 如果无法通过web.xml或其他配置文件来处理,另一种方法是什么?

Pages are served by Tomcat 7. 页面由Tomcat 7提供服务。

I think you should use Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter . 我认为您应该使用Tuckey的UrlRewriteFilter It should be pretty easy for you to come up with rules to achieve what you want. 您很容易想出规则来实现所需的目标。 Suppose users access your page at www.yourserver.com/context/subContext/specificX.xhtml , I think the following rule should achieve your goal (you need to test though :P): 假设用户访问您的页面, www.yourserver.com/context/subContext/specificX.xhtmlwww.yourserver.com/context/subContext/specificX.xhtml ,我认为以下规则应该可以实现您的目标(尽管需要:P进行测试):

<urlrewrite >
        <name>Specific to Generic forward</name>
        <condition next="or" type="path-info">/subContext/specific1.xhtml</condition>
        <condition next="or" type="path-info">/subContext/specific2.xhtml</condition>
        <to type="forward">/generic.xhtml</to>

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