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[英]OSStatus-43 Error

I am keeping recorded audio file reference in SQLite database. 我将记录的音频文件参考保存在SQLite数据库中。 When I am fetching the data and trying to play I find the error OSStatus-43. 当我获取数据并尝试播放时,我发现错误OSStatus-43。 If there is any solution? 如果有什么解决办法?

That's fnfErr for "file not found." 这就是“找不到文件”的fnfErr Without more specific info or code, I can't help you more. 没有更多具体的信息或代码,我无法为您提供更多帮助。 Probably Core Audio is trying to open a file with your audio and the path is wrong. 可能是Core Audio尝试用您的音频打开文件,但路径错误。

I ran into an error -43 when trying to play a remote mp3 file over http. 尝试通过http播放远程mp3文件时遇到错误-43。 I got around this by using an AVPlayer instead of an AVAudioPlayer . 我通过使用AVPlayer而不是AVAudioPlayer来解决此问题。

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