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[英]Calling base class function - class inheritance in JavaScript

Please check out the following example: 请查看以下示例:

MyBaseClass = function(a) {
     this.a = a;

$.extend(MyBaseClass.prototype, {
    init: function() {
        console.log('I am initializing the base class');

MyChildClass = $.extend(MyBaseClass, {
    init: function() {
        console.log('I am initializing the child class');

var = new MyChildClass();

Тhis should output both 'I am initializing the base class' and 'I am initializing the child class'. 他应该输出“我正在初始化基类”和“我正在初始化子类”。

I need to be able to inherit the class MyBaseClass, but still to be able to call his init() method at the beginning of the new init() method. 我需要能够继承MyBaseClass类,但仍要能够在新的init()方法开始时调用其init()方法。

How do I do that? 我怎么做?

jQuery's extend doesn't build inheritance but "Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object" . jQuery的扩展不能建立继承,而是“将两个或多个对象的内容合并到第一个对象中”

Use prototype based inheritance to achieve your inheritance and explicitly call the "super" method : 使用基于原型的继承来实现您的继承,并显式调用“ super”方法:

MyBaseClass = function(a) {
     this.a = a;
MyBaseClass.prototype.init = function() {
    console.log('I am initializing the base class');

MyChildClass = function(a) {
  this.a = a;
MyChildClass.prototype = Object.create(MyBaseClass.prototype); // makes MyChildClass "inherit" of MyBaseClass
MyChildClass.prototype.init = function() {
    MyBaseClass.prototype.init.call(this); // calls super init function
    console.log('I am initializing the child class');

var child= new MyChildClass();

Output : 输出

I am initializing the base class
I am initializing the child class 

jsFiddle Demo jsFiddle演示

Couple of things. 几件事。 extend really just adds on properties, it doesn't do much. extend实际上只是增加了属性,并没有太大作用。 So you need to have a function for your class ready, inherit from the base class, and then use extend on that classes prototype. 因此,您需要为类准备好一个函数,从基类继承,然后在该类原型上使用extend。

function MyChildClass(){};
MyChildClass.prototype = new MyBaseClass();
$.extend(MyChildClass.prototype, {
 init: function() {
    console.log('I am initializing the child class');

Here is another approach that I like to use for inheritance - when the specificity of methods is going to be an issue - which is to store the base class in its own property 这是我喜欢用于继承的另一种方法-当方法的特殊性成为问题时-将基类存储在其自己的属性中

function MyChildClass(){};
MyChildClass.prototype = new MyBaseClass();
MyChildClass.prototype.base = new MyBaseClass();
$.extend(MyChildClass.prototype, {
 init: function() {
    console.log('I am initializing the child class');

Another prototype based pattern to achieve this goal: 实现此目标的另一个基于原型的模式:

MyBaseClass = function(a) {
     this.a = a;

MyBaseClass.prototype = {
    init: function() {
        console.log('I am initializing the base class');

MyChildClass = function() {};
MyChildClass.prototype = $.extend(new MyBaseClass(), {
    init: function() {
        console.log('init child');
    super: MyBaseClass.prototype,
    constructor: MyChildClass

var a = new MyChildClass();

Output: 输出:

I am initializing the base class
init child

Here this.super stores reference to base class. 这里this.super存储对基类的引用。

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