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mifare 卡的身份验证错误“6982:安全状态不满足”

[英]authentication error for mifare card “6982:Security status not satisfied”

I know this question was asked before here .我知道这里之前有人问过这个问题。 But the answers are useless for me.但答案对我来说毫无用处。

I have pc/sc reader and contactless card(mifare card), I can connect to the card and also I can execute the getdate command successfully.我有 pc/sc 读卡器和非接触式卡(mifare 卡),我可以连接到卡上,也可以成功执行getdate命令。 However, when I want to authenticate I see this error:但是,当我想进行身份验证时,我看到此错误:

"6982:Security status not satisfied" “6982:安全状态不满足”

I've tried these 4 different commands for authentication but I get the same error for all of them.我已经尝试了这 4 个不同的身份验证命令,但我对所有这些命令都遇到了相同的错误。

FF 88 00 00 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF
FF 88 00 00 60 12
FF 88 00 00 05 01 00 12 60 00
FF 88 00 00 60 00

How can I authenticate to this card ?我如何对这张卡进行身份验证?

The GENERAL AUTHENTICATE instruction performs a Mifare Classic authentication (CRYPTO1). GENERAL AUTHENTICATE 指令执行 Mifare Classic 身份验证 (CRYPTO1)。 The application must provide the index of the key to be used;应用程序必须提供要使用的密钥的索引; this key must have been loaded into the reader through a previous LOAD KEY instruction.此密钥必须已通过先前的 LOAD KEY 指令加载到阅读器中。

Do not invoke this function if the currently activated PICC/VICC is not a Mifare Classic!如果当前激活的 PICC/VICC 不是 Mifare Classic,请勿调用此功能!

FF 86 00 00 05 01 00 blockNo keyLocation keyIndex FF 86 00 00 05 01 00 blockNo keyLocation keyIndex


blockNo = is the address on the card, where we try to be authenticated. blockNo = 是卡上的地址,我们尝试通过该地址进行身份验证。

keyLocation =关键位置 =

  • h60 for authentication using a CRYPTO1 “A” key (standard PC/SC-defined value) h60 用于使用 CRYPTO1 “A” 密钥(标准 PC/SC 定义的值)进行身份验证
  • h61 for authentication using a CRYPTO1 “B” key (standard PC/SC-defined value) h61 用于使用 CRYPTO1 “B” 密钥(标准 PC/SC 定义的值)进行身份验证

keyIndex = key index in the reader where you have load the key(posible value from 0x00 to 0x1f) keyIndex = 您加载密钥的读取器中的密钥索引(可能的值从 0x00 到 0x1f)

Finally I found this *.pdf file. 最后,我找到了这个* .pdf文件。 And, there are all what i need. 而且,这里有我需要的一切。

All command is working on my system. 所有命令在我的系统上都有效。

Content of the *.pdf file is : * .pdf文件的内容为:

  • GET DATA 获取数据
  • LOAD KEY 加载键
  • READ BINARY 读二进制
  • RESTORE 恢复

You can download *.pdf file from here 您可以从这里下载* .pdf文件

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