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[英]Proper way of defining a javascript variable?

Is the below JavaScript code have the proper variable declaration, or any other way to define that ? 以下JavaScript代码是否具有适当的变量声明,或任何其他定义方式? may i know this method of variable declarations ? 我可以知道这种变量声明方法吗?

var JQFUNCS = {
  runFunc: {
    "jsonp": {
      run: function (id) {
        var demobox = $('#' + id);
        demobox.html('<img id="loading" src="images/loading.gif" />');
        $.getJSON("http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?jsoncallback=?", {
          tags: "jquery",
          tagmode: "any",
          format: "json"
        }, function (data) {
          $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
            demobox.append('<a href="' + item.link + '" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:150px;" src="' + item.media.m + '" alt="' + item.title + '" title="' + item.title + '" />');
            if (i == 10) return false;
          $('#' + id + ' #loading').hide();
      reset: function (id) {
        $('#' + id).empty().hide();

This method of variable declaration is called an Object Literal. 此变量声明方法称为对象文字。

var objectLiteral = {
   propertyOne: 1,

   functionTwo: function() {
      return 2;

Uses: Great for encapsulating data and functionality that belong together in a more traditional way. 用途:非常适合封装以更传统的方式在一起的数据和功能。 Protects from cluttering the global namespace from duplicated variable names. 防止使全局名称空间与重复的变量名称混淆。 Only provides one instance of the object unless you use object copying tatics though. 除非您使用对象复制方式,否则仅提供该对象的一个​​实例。

You can also use a function declaration: 您还可以使用函数声明:

function funcDeclaration() {
   this.propertyOne = 1;

   this.functionTwo = function() {
      return 2;
var obj = new funcDeclaration();

Uses: Allows for instantiation of objects, very much like classes. 用途:允许实例化对象,非常类似于类。 Has all the flexibility of a object literal plus some. 具有对象文字的所有灵活性以及一些灵活性。

There isn't a right or wrong answer here. 这里没有正确或错误的答案。 Some of it is situation, convention, or preference. 其中一些是情况,惯例或偏好。

Heck you can even combine the two and get really tricky by employing a self executing function (if you are trying to emulate visibility modifiers): 哎呀,您甚至可以将两者结合起来,并通过使用自执行函数(如果您要模拟可见性修改器)而变得非常棘手:

var objectLiteral = (function() {
    //currently within a self-executing function, syntax allows this

    var privatePropertyOne = 1;
    function privateFunctionTwo() { //yes, functions can contain other functions
        return 2;

    //the self-executing function returns and object literal that contains references to the privately scoped items defined above.
    return {
        PropertyOne: function() { return privatePropertyOne; },
        FunctionTwo: privateFunctionTwo

Uses: Pro and fun. 用途:专业而有趣。 =P Not necessarily readable and certainly blows the mind of any newbie javascript developer. = P不一定可读,并且肯定会引起任何新手javascript开发人员的注意。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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