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在 HTML/Javascript 中使用计数器变量的正确方法

[英]Proper way to use a counter variable in HTML/Javascript

I am using Django and Chart.js, but I don't think what's more important here is an understanding of Javascript and HTML.我正在使用 Django 和 Chart.js,但我不认为这里更重要的是了解 Javascript 和 Z4A44DBAD5FCAED2E0378.C

To create charts using Chart.js, I need the charts to have different names.要使用 Chart.js 创建图表,我需要图表具有不同的名称。 For this, I have thought about using a counter variable.为此,我考虑过使用计数器变量。

    <script>**var count = 0;**</script>

    {% for object in objects %}

            {% block jquery %}
            var endpoint = '/api/chart/data/';

            fetch(endpoint, {
                method: "GET",
            }).then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => {
                console.log('Success:', data);
                **count = count + 1;**
                eval('var chart_id = "myChart{{ count }}"');
                eval('var ctx{{ count }} = document.getElementById(chart_id)');

                eval('var myChart =  new Chart(ctx{{ count }}, graph_data)');
                console.log("myChart{{ count }}")
                .catch((error) => {

            {% endblock %}
        <canvas id= "myChart{{ count }}" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
    {% endfor %}

However, when I look in the source code on my dev server, I can see that the id for all of the canvas tags is simply "myChart".但是,当我查看开发服务器上的源代码时,我可以看到所有 canvas 标记的 id 都只是“myChart”。 Why is this?为什么是这样? What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

Try this:尝试这个:

{{ forloop.counter }} will return the current iteration count going on. {{ forloop.counter }}将返回当前的迭代计数。

    {% for object in objects %}

            {% block jquery %}
            var endpoint = '/api/chart/data/';

            fetch(endpoint, {
                method: "GET",
            }).then(response => response.json())
            .then(data => {
                console.log('Success:', data);
                eval('var chart_id = "myChart{{ forloop.counter }}"');
                eval('var ctx{{ forloop.counter }} = document.getElementById(chart_id)');

                eval('var myChart =  new Chart(ctx{{ forloop.counter }}, graph_data)');
                console.log("myChart{{ forloop.counter }}")
                .catch((error) => {

            {% endblock %}
        <canvas id= "myChart{{ forloop.counter }}" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
    {% endfor %}

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