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[英]How to get column attributes query from table name using PostgreSQL?

I have a project and I need a query to get all attributes of the columns (Column Name, Position, Data Type, Not Null? and Comments) all this using table name.我有一个项目,我需要一个查询来使用表名获取列的所有属性(列名、位置、数据类型、非空?和注释)。

I achieved get Column Name, Position Data Type and Not Null?我实现了获取列名、位置数据类型和非空? with this query:使用此查询:

SELECT column_name, data_type, ordinal_position, is_nullable 
FROM information_schema."columns"
WHERE "table_name"='TABLE-NAME'

But, I need the Comments!但是,我需要评论!

Here's query against the system catalog that should fetch everything you need (with a bonus primary-key field thrown in for free).这是对系统目录的查询,它应该获取您需要的所有内容(免费提供一个额外的主键字段)。

    a.attnum as num,
    a.attname as name,
    format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as typ,
    a.attnotnull as notnull, 
    com.description as comment,
    coalesce(i.indisprimary,false) as primary_key,
    def.adsrc as default
FROM pg_attribute a 
JOIN pg_class pgc ON pgc.oid = a.attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_index i ON 
    (pgc.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indkey[0] = a.attnum)
LEFT JOIN pg_description com on 
    (pgc.oid = com.objoid AND a.attnum = com.objsubid)
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef def ON 
    (a.attrelid = def.adrelid AND a.attnum = def.adnum)
WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND pgc.oid = a.attrelid
AND pg_table_is_visible(pgc.oid)
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND pgc.relname = 'TABLE_NAME'  -- Your table name here
ORDER BY a.attnum;

Which would return results like:这将返回如下结果:

 num |    name     |             typ             | notnull |       comment       | primary_key 
   1 | id          | integer                     | t       | a primary key thing | t
   2 | ref         | text                        | f       |                     | f
   3 | created     | timestamp without time zone | t       |                     | f
   4 | modified    | timestamp without time zone | t       |                     | f
   5 | name        | text                        | t       |                     | f
  • num: The column number num:列号
  • name: The column name名称:列名称
  • typ: the data type typ:数据类型
  • notnull: Is the column defined as NOT NULL notnull:列是否定义为NOT NULL
  • comment: Any COMMENT defined for the column评论:为列定义的任何COMMENT
  • primary_key: Is the column defined as PRIMARY KEY primary_key: 列是否定义为PRIMARY KEY
  • default: The command used for the default value default:用于默认值的命令

Built on the answer by @Chris :基于@Chris回答

SELECT a.attnum
      ,a.attname                            AS name
      ,format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS typ
      ,a.attnotnull                         AS notnull
      ,coalesce(p.indisprimary, FALSE)      AS primary_key
      ,f.adsrc                              AS default_val
      ,d.description                        AS col_comment
FROM   pg_attribute    a 
LEFT   JOIN pg_index   p ON p.indrelid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(p.indkey)
LEFT   JOIN pg_description d ON d.objoid  = a.attrelid AND d.objsubid = a.attnum
LEFT   JOIN pg_attrdef f ON f.adrelid = a.attrelid  AND f.adnum = a.attnum
WHERE  a.attnum > 0
AND    NOT a.attisdropped
AND    a.attrelid = 'schema.tbl'::regclass  -- table may be schema-qualified
ORDER  BY a.attnum;


Table names are not unique in a database and hence also not in the system catalog.表名在数据库中不是唯一的,因此在系统目录中也不是唯一的 You may have to schema-qualify the name.您可能必须对名称进行模式限定。
Use a.attrelid = 'tbl'::regclass as condition.使用a.attrelid = 'tbl'::regclass作为条件。 This way you can pass myschema.mytbl as name and disambiguate.通过这种方式,您可以将myschema.mytbl作为名称传递并消除歧义。 Then there is no need to join to pg_class at all in this case.那么在这种情况下根本不需要加入pg_class
Also, visibility is checked automatically for regclass and there is no need for pg_table_is_visible() .此外,会自动检查regclass可见性,不需要pg_table_is_visible()

A primary key can span multiple columns .一个主键可以跨越多个列 I take care of this by joining to pg_index on a.attnum = ANY(p.indkey) .我通过在a.attnum = ANY(p.indkey)上加入pg_indexpg_index这个问题。
indkey is of type int2vecor , which is a special case of int2[] , only used in the catalogs. indkey是类型的int2vecor ,这是一个特例int2[]只在目录中。

I find psql -E helpful for this class of problems.我发现psql -E对这类问题很有帮助。


A specialized query like this might break after a major version update.像这样的专门查询可能会在主要版本更新后中断。 Postgres does not guarantee that catalog tables remain stable. Postgres 不保证目录表保持稳定。 It is extremely unlikely that basic elements change, but the more complex and specialized your query gets, the bigger the chance.基本元素发生变化的可能性极小,但您的查询越复杂、越专业,机会就越大。 You could use the information schema instead, which is standardized, but also comparatively slow.您可以改用标准化的信息模式,但速度也相对较慢。

I think you can use this:我认为你可以使用这个:

select ordinal_position AS num, column_name as name, data_type as typ, character_maximum_length as lenth, 
is_nullable as nullable, column_default as default
WHERE table_catalog='DatabaseName' AND table_name='TableName'

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