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python和f2py错误-NameError:未定义全局名称“ inputUtil”

[英]python and f2py error - NameError: global name 'inputUtil" is not defined

I have compiled a fortran code in python using f2py (inputUtil.pyd). 我已经使用f2py(inputUtil.pyd)在python中编译了一个fortran代码。 I import this function into my main python code and I pass two characters to this function (locationAID and locationBID) from a string. 我将此函数导入到我的主要python代码中,并从字符串向该函数传递两个字符(locationAID和locationBID)。

Here is the error message: 这是错误消息:

>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\FROM_OLD_HD\SynBio\Contact 5-23-12\contactsource_workingcopy\python\main.py", line 234, in batchExecute
    self.prepareProteins(tempList[1].replace("protA: ",""),tempList[2].replace("protAID: ",""),tempList[3].replace("protB: ",""),tempList[4].replace("protBID: ",""))
  File "C:\FROM_OLD_HD\SynBio\Contact 5-23-12\contactsource_workingcopy\python\main.py", line 668, in prepareProteins
    total = inputUtil(locationAID,locationBID)
NameError: global name 'inputUtil' is not defined

Here are parts of my main python code: 这是我的主要python代码的一部分:

#import fortran modules
from contact import *
from inputUtil import *

def prepareProteins(self, locationA, locationAID, locationB, locationBID):
    self.output("Generating temporary protein files...")
    start_time = time.time()


    total = inputUtil(locationAID,locationBID)

Here is part the fortran code that I converted to python using f2py that shows the character passing to this function: 这是我使用f2py转换为python的fortran代码的一部分,该代码显示了传递给此函数的字符:

     subroutine inputUtil(chida,chidb)
       integer resnr,nbar,ljnbar,ljrsnr
       integer resns,nbars
       integer resnc,nbarc
       integer resnn,nbarn
       integer numa,numb,ns,n
       character*6 card,cards,cardc,cardn,ljcard
       character*1 alt,ljalt,chid,ljchid,code,ljcode
       character*1 alts,chids,codes
       character*1 altc,chidc,codec
       character*1 altn,chidn,coden
       character*1 chida,chidb

f2py worked great, so I do not think that is the problem. f2py的效果很好,所以我认为这不是问题。 I am just learning python - I'm an old time Fortran programmer (started back in the day of the punch card!). 我只是在学习python-我是Fortran的老程序员(从打孔卡的那天开始!)。 So, please respond with something that an old guy can follow. 因此,请以老人可以跟随的方式回应。

Thanks for any help. 谢谢你的帮助。

PunchDaddy 拳爸爸

I think you are confusing functions and modules here. 我认为您在这里混淆了功能和模块。 When you do from inputUtil import * and then call inputUtil , that is the same as calling the function inputUtil.inputUtil . from inputUtil import * ,然后调用inputUtil ,与调用函数inputUtil.inputUtil相同。

I ran f2py on the Fortran code you provided, with one additional line: print*, "hello from fortran!" 我在您提供的Fortran代码上运行了f2py,并附加了一行: print*, "hello from fortran!" . I also had to remove the C comment lines, presumably since I used .f90 . 我还必须删除C注释行,大概是因为我使用了.f90 Here is the command I used: 这是我使用的命令:

python "c:\python27\scripts\f2py.py" -c --fcompiler=gnu95 --compiler=mingw32 -lmsvcr71 -m inputUtil inputUtil.f90

Now I get should a python module called inputUtil. 现在,我应该得到一个名为inputUtil的python模块。 Let's try that. 让我们尝试一下。 Simple Python: 简单的Python:

import inputUtil
inputUtil.inputUtil('A', 'B')

From this I get: 由此我得到:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'inputUtil'

So what's going on? 发生什么了? Let's look at the module: 让我们看一下模块:

print dir(inputUtil)

This returns: 返回:

['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__version__', 'inpututil']

Apparently the capital U in inputUtil has been converted to lowercase. 显然inputUtil中的大写U已转换为小写。 Let's call the function with the name in lowercase: 让我们用小写的名字来调用该函数:

inputUtil.inpututil('A', 'B')

Now it prints: 现在打印:

hello from fortran!

Success! 成功!

Looks like it might be an issue/feature of f2py to translate the function names to lower case. 将函数名称转换为小写字母似乎是f2py的问题/功能。 I've never run into it since I use lower case names in general. 因为我通常使用小写字母名称,所以我从未遇到过。

For future reference, I'd also recommend putting the Fortran in a module and adding intent statements to your subroutine arguments. 为了将来参考,我还建议将Fortran放入模块中,并将intent语句添加到子例程参数中。 This will make it easier to pass variables between f2py modules and Python. 这将使在f2py模块和Python之间传递变量变得更加容易。 Wrap in a module like so: 像这样包装一个模块:

module inpututils


subroutine foo(a, b)
...code here...
end subroutine

end module

Then you import all subroutines from the module with use inpututils at the top of a subroutine in another file (before implicit none ). 然后, use inpututils另一个文件use inpututils例程顶部的use inpututils模块中的use inpututils导入模块中的所有子例程(在implicit none之前)。

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