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[英]how to determine the screen resolution using phonegap?

I created several images for different screen resolutions. 我为不同的屏幕分辨率创建了几个图像。 With what function fonegap can determine the screen resolution? 什么功能fonegap可以决定屏幕分辨率?

I would also like to see an example. 我还想看一个例子。

You can also use $(window).width() and $(window).height() or screen.width; 你也可以使用$(window).width()和$(window).height()或screen.width; and screen.height; 和screen.height;

Here is an example of this implementation using HTML, Javascript and JQuery mobile. 以下是使用HTML,Javascript和JQuery mobile实现此示例的示例。


        <!-- put any jquery references here -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="index.js">
        <div id=main_page">

Javascript file with JQuery: JQuery的Javascript文件:

$(document).ready(function ()

function resolution_handling() 
    //first way to implement
    browser_width = $(window).width();
    browser_height = $(window).height();

    //second way to implement
    browser_width = screen.width;
    browser_height = screen.height;

Both of the implementations will make the div main_page have the dimensions of the screen's height and width. 这两个实现都将使div main_page具有屏幕高度和宽度的尺寸。

I recommend using $(window).width() and $(window).height() as from experience it has been more stable than screen.width; 我建议使用$(window).width()和$(window).height()从经验来看它比screen.width更稳定; and screen.height; 和screen.height;

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