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[英]Selecting data from a database via a joined table

I'm currently making a website that is used to advertise car sharing for festivals. 我目前正在制作一个网站,用于宣传节日期间的汽车共享。 I need to list all trips which are currently assigned to a user but seeing as the database relationship would be many to many I have had to make a client_trip table. 我需要列出当前分配给用户的所有行程,但是看到数据库关系将使我不得不创建一个client_trip表的数量很多。

My question: 我的问题:
How would I select trips from the trip table based on the information in my client_trip table? 如何基于client_trip表中的信息从trip表中选择行程?

I'm currently using PostgreSQL and Java servlets. 我目前正在使用PostgreSQL和Java servlet。 Thanks very much for any help. 非常感谢您的帮助。 :) :)

user_id SERIAL,
user_username VARCHAR (20),
user_firstname VARCHAR(20),
user_surname VARCHAR(20),
user_password VARCHAR(50),
user_email VARCHAR(100),
user_role VARCHAR(20),
PRIMARY KEY(user_id)

trip_id SERIAL,
trip_name VARCHAR (100),
trip_user_username VARCHAR (50),
trip_festival_id SERIAL REFERENCES festivals(festival_id),
trip_festival_name VARCHAR(100),
trip_depart_date DATE,
trip_return_date DATE,
trip_spaces INT,
trip_cost Decimal (19,2),
trip_desc VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY(trip_id)

how would I select trips from the trip table based on the information in my client_trip 我如何根据client_trip中的信息从行程表中选择行程

With a given user_id : 使用给定的user_id

FROM   trips t
JOIN   client_trip ct USING (trip_id)
WHERE  ct.user_id = ??

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