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[英]Open multiple files from file managers

I've built a (Linux) GUI application that can be launched from a terminal and accepts an undefined number of files as arguments. 我已经构建了一个(Linux)GUI应用程序,该应用程序可以从终端启动,并接受未定义数量的文件作为参数。 The app reads sys.argv and lists the name of these files in a QListWidget. 该应用程序读取sys.argv并在QListWidget中列出这些文件的名称。

The code is something like: 代码类似于:

import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QCoreApplication

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)

        # parse command line arguments
        for i in QCoreApplication.argv()[1:]:

def main():
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

What I want to do is to be able to select multiple files from a file manager and open them with my app through the "Open with..." option provided by file managers. 我要做的是能够从文件管理器中选择多个文件,并通过文件管理器提供的“打开方式...”选项使用我的应用程序打开它们。 How this can be achieved? 如何做到这一点?

With the current code, when I try it only one of the selected files is shown on the QListWidget. 使用当前代码,当我尝试使用它时,QListWidget上仅显示所选文件之一。

Edit: 编辑:

It finally seems that it depends to the file manager. 最终看来,这取决于文件管理器。 I tried with a few file managers and... 我尝试了一些文件管理器,然后...

  • pcmanfm: It only opens one of the selected files. pcmanfm:它仅打开所选文件之一。

  • spacefm: Works properly! spacefm:正常工作!

  • dolphin: It opens each file to a different instance of my program. 海豚:它将每个文件打开到我程序的不同实例。 If I select 3 files it will open my app 3 times, one for each file. 如果我选择3个文件,它将打开我的应用3次,每个文件一个。

  • nautilus: I didn't manage to open any files with it. nautilus:我没有用它打开任何文件。 My program is not listed in the suggested applications and I didn't find any way to do it. 我的程序未在建议的应用程序中列出,我找不到任何方法。

There's not really enough information to give a definite answer, but... 确实没有足够的信息来给出明确的答案,但是...

First, have you checked that a print sys.argv at the top of the code looks like you were expecting? 首先,您是否检查过代码顶部的print sys.argv看起来像您期望的那样?

If so, does it work if you change the line... 如果是这样,如果您更改线路,它是否起作用...

for i in QCoreApplication.argv()[1:]:

...to... ...至...

for i in sys.argv[1:]:

For debugging purposes, you might also like to include the line... 出于调试目的,您可能还希望包括该行...

assert QCoreApplication.argv()[1:] == sys.argv[1:]

...just before you start the for-loop. ...就在开始循环之前。

使用QFileDialog: 文档

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