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[英]Django Save Image on different model fields

I have a model called Picture . 我有一个名为Picture的模型。 When an image is uploaded into this model , it will automatically be re-size before saving. 将图像上传到此模型后,它会在保存之前自动重新调整大小。

My main goal is to re-size the uploaded image into 2 separate images . 我的主要目标是将上传的图像重新调整为2个单独的图像。 So I can use it for different purpose like small picture , and big pictures . 所以我可以将它用于不同的目的,如小图片和大图片。 So what I done to achieve this goal is create another field called small . 所以我为实现这个目标所做的就是创建另一个名为small的字段。 which represents small pictures . 代表小图片。

I have 2 functions underneath my model called save and small . 我的模型下面有两个函数叫做save​​和small。 These functions will automatically re-size the image. 这些功能将自动重新调整图像大小。

My plan is , when I upload an image to the model . 我的计划是,当我将图像上传到模型时。 My save function will automically resize the image and save it into images folder but how can I also get my small function to grab that image from image field so it can resize it and save it into my small field. 我的保存功能将自动调整图像大小并将其保存到图像文件夹中,但我怎样才能使我的小功能从图像字段中抓取该图像,以便它可以调整大小并将其保存到我的小字段中。

To sum is all up , it's just retrieveing an upload image and resizes the image on both field. 要求总结,它只是检索上传图像并调整两个字段上的图像大小。

class Picture(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
    small = models.ImageField(upload_to="small/",blank=True,null=True)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to="images/",blank=True)

    def save(self , force_insert=False,force_update=False):
        super (Picture,self).save(force_insert,force_update)

        pw = self.image.width
        ph = self.image.height
        mw = 500
        mh = 500

        if (pw > mw) or (ph > mh):
            filename = str(self.image.path)
            imageObj = img.open(filename)
            ratio = 1

            if ( pw > mw):
                ratio = mw / float(pw)
                pw = mw
                ph = int(math.floor(float(ph)* ratio))
            if ( ph > mh):
                ratio = ratio * ( mh /float(ph))
                ph = mh 
                pw = int(math.floor(float(ph)* ratio))

            imageObj = imageObj.resize((pw,ph),img.ANTIALIAS)

    def save(self , force_insert=False,force_update=False):
        super (Picture,self).save(force_insert,force_update)

        pw = self.image.width
        ph = self.image.height
        mw = 300
        mh = 300

        if (pw > mw) or (ph > mh):
            filename = str(self.image.path)
            imageObj = img.open(filename)
            ratio = 1

            if ( pw > mw):
                ratio = mw / float(pw)
                pw = mw
                ph = int(math.floor(float(ph)* ratio))
            if ( ph > mh):
                ratio = ratio * ( mh /float(ph))
                ph = mh 
                pw = int(math.floor(float(ph)* ratio))

            imageObj = imageObj.resize((pw,ph),img.ANTIALIAS)

If this doesn't make sense , alert me so I can modify it 如果这没有意义,请提醒我,以便我可以修改它

You could create a custom field (inheriting ImageField) or create a pre_save signal to process the upload. 您可以创建自定义字段(继承ImageField)或创建pre_save信号来处理上载。

from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from myapp.models import MyModel

class MyModel(models.Model):
    # other fields
    image = MyCustomImageField(sizes=(('small', '300x300'), ('large', '500x500')))

A signal 一个信号

@receiver(pre_save, sender=MyModel)
def process_picture(sender, **kwargs):
    # do resizing and storage stuff

More on signals and custom fields . 更多关于信号和自定义字段

A working example of a custom ImageField. 自定义ImageField的工作示例。

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