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[英]Pick random word from list?

I´m having trouble picking a random word from a list in another file. 我在从另一个文件的列表中选择一个随机单词时遇到麻烦。 Actually I can´t even get it to choose any word. 实际上,我什至无法选择任何单词。 I´m not sure how to connect the 2 files so to say. 我不确定如何连接这两个文件。 Hoping someone can help out, I´ma beginner so please explain as easy as possible:) 我是初学者,希望有人能帮忙,所以请尽可能简单地解释一下:)

I have 2 files, one is called program.cs and the other is called WordList.cs I´m gonna paste all my code but first the little snip that I´m having problem with. 我有2个文件,一个叫做program.cs,另一个叫做WordList.cs。我要粘贴我所有的代码,但首先粘贴我遇到问题的小片段。 I just can´t figure out how to write the code correct. 我只是想不出如何正确编写代码。

Here is the little part which is called Pick word: 这是称为挑选字词的一小部分:


    static string pickWord()
        string returnword = "";

        TextReader file = new StreamReader(words);
        string fileLine = file.ReadLine();

        Random randomGen = new Random();
        returnword = words[randomGen.Next(0, words.Count - 1)];
        return returnword;

And here is all the code in Program.cs 这是Program.cs中的所有代码

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

class Hangman

    static void Main(string[] args)                                                  
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
        Console.Title = "C# Hangman";
        Console.WriteLine("Welcome To C# Hangman!");

        int MenuChoice = 0;
        while (MenuChoice != 4)

        Console.Write("\n\t1) Add words");
        Console.Write("\n\t2) Show list of words");
        Console.Write("\n\t3) Play");
        Console.Write("\n\t4) Quit\n\n");

        Console.Write("\n\tChoose 1-4: ");        //Choose meny item

        MenuChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        WordList showing = new WordList();

        switch (MenuChoice)
            case 1:               
                Console.Write("\n\tAdd a word\n\n");
                var insert = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("\n\tList of words\n\n");
            case 2:
                Console.Write("\n\tList of words\n\n");

            case 3:   //Running game

                int numGuessesInt = -1;

                while (numGuessesInt == -1)
                    /* Sets the number of guesses the user has to guess the word*/
                    pickNumGuesses(ref numGuessesInt);

                /* Randomly picks a word*/
                string word = pickWord();

                /* Creates a list of characters that will show */
                List<char> guessedLetters = new List<char>();
                bool solved = false;
                while (solved == false)
                    /* Displaying a string to the user based on the user's correct guesses.
                     * If nothing is correct string will return "_ _ _ " */
                    string wordToDisplay = displayWord(guessedLetters, word);
                    /* If the string returned contains the "_" character, all the
                    * correct letters have not been guessed, so checking if user
                    * has lost, by checking if numGuessesLeft is less than 1.*/
                    if (!wordToDisplay.Contains("_"))
                        solved = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("You Win!  The word was " + word);
                        /* Check if the user wants to play again.  If they do,
                        * then solved is set to true, will end the loop,
                        * otherwise, checkIfPlayAgain will close the program.*/
                    else if (numGuessesInt <= 0)
                        solved = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("You Lose!  The word was " + word);
                        /* If the user has not won or lost, call guessLetter,
                        * display the word, minus guesses by 1*/
                        guessLetter(guessedLetters, word, wordToDisplay, ref numGuessesInt);


            case 4:
                Console.WriteLine("\n\tEnd game?\n\n");
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry, invalid selection");



    // ****** PICK NUMBER OF GUESSES ******

    static void pickNumGuesses(ref int numGuessesInt)
        string numGuessesString = "";
        Console.WriteLine("Pick a number of guesses");
        numGuessesString = Console.ReadLine();
            numGuessesInt = Convert.ToInt32(numGuessesString);
            if (!(numGuessesInt <= 20 & numGuessesInt >= 1))
                throw new Exception();
        catch (Exception)
            numGuessesInt = -1;
            Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Number of Guesses");


    static string pickWord()
        string returnword = "";

        TextReader file = new StreamReader(words);
        string fileLine = file.ReadLine();

        Random randomGen = new Random();
        returnword = words[randomGen.Next(0, words.Count - 1)];
        return returnword;

    // ****** Display word ******

    static string displayWord(List<char> guessedCharacters, string word)
        string returnedWord = "";
        if (guessedCharacters.Count == 0)
            foreach (char letter in word)
                returnedWord += "_ ";
            return returnedWord;
        foreach (char letter in word)
            bool letterMatch = false;
            foreach (char character in guessedCharacters)
                if (character == letter)
                    returnedWord += character + " ";
                    letterMatch = true;
                    letterMatch = false;
            if (letterMatch == false)
                returnedWord += "_ ";
        return returnedWord;

    // ****** Guess letter ******

    static void guessLetter(List<char> guessedCharacters, string word, string wordToDisplay, ref int numGuessesLeft)
        string letters = "";
        foreach (char letter in guessedCharacters)
            letters += " " + letter;
        Console.WriteLine("Guess a letter");
        Console.WriteLine("Guessed Letters: " + letters);
        Console.WriteLine("Guesses Left: " + numGuessesLeft);
        string guess = Console.ReadLine();
        char guessedLetter = 'a';
            guessedLetter = Convert.ToChar(guess);
            if (!Char.IsLetter(guessedLetter))
                throw new Exception();
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Letter Choice");
            //guessLetter(guessedCharacters, word, wordToDisplay, ref numGuessesLeft);
        bool repeat = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < guessedCharacters.Count; i++)
            if (guessedCharacters[i] == guessedLetter)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Letter Choice");
                repeat = true;
                //guessLetter(guessedCharacters, word, wordToDisplay, ref numGuessesLeft);
        if (repeat == false)
            numGuessesLeft -= 1;

    // ****** Check to see if player wants to play again. ******

    static void checkIfPlayAgain()
        Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? (y/n)");
        string playAgain = Console.ReadLine();
        if (playAgain == "n")

And here is the code for WordList.cs 这是WordList.cs的代码

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class WordList
    List <string> words = new List<string>();

    public void ListOfWords()
        words.Add("test");         // Contains: test
        words.Add("dog");          // Contains: test, dog
        words.Insert(1, "shit"); // Contains: test, shit, dog

        foreach (string word in words) // Display for verification



    public void AddWord(string value){

I have made some changes to your code. 我对您的代码进行了一些更改。 The code works now but is far from perfect. 该代码现在可以运行,但还远远不够完美。 Your solution has two files Program.cs and Wordlist.cs , which looks like this 您的解决方案有两个文件Program.csWordlist.cs ,如下所示

Program.cs Program.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

public class Hangman
     * Some notes on your code:
     *   use naming convention for methods and fields, i.e. methods names start with a capital letter
     *   use modifiers for methods, i.e private, public, protected in your method declarations
     *   make variables private if you use them on several methods
     *   and finally: read a book on c#

    private static WordList words;
    private static Random randomGen = new Random();

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
        Console.Title = "C# Hangman";
        Console.WriteLine("Welcome To C# Hangman!");

        int MenuChoice = 0;
        while (MenuChoice != 4)

            Console.Write("\n\t1) Add words");
            Console.Write("\n\t2) Show list of words");
            Console.Write("\n\t3) Play");
            Console.Write("\n\t4) Quit\n\n");

            Console.Write("\n\tChoose 1-4: ");        //Choose meny item

            MenuChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            switch (MenuChoice)
                case 1:
                    Console.Write("\n\tAdd a word\n\n");
                    var insert = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.Write("\n\tList of words\n\n");
                    foreach (string w in words) // Display for verification
                case 2:
                    Console.Write("\n\tList of words\n\n");
                    foreach (string w in words) // Display for verification

                case 3:   //Running game

                    int numGuessesInt = -1;

                    while (numGuessesInt == -1)
                        /* Sets the number of guesses the user has to guess the word*/
                        pickNumGuesses(ref numGuessesInt);

                    /* Randomly picks a word*/
                    string word = PickWord();

                    /* Creates a list of characters that will show */
                    List<char> guessedLetters = new List<char>();
                    bool solved = false;
                    while (solved == false)
                        /* Displaying a string to the user based on the user's correct guesses.
                         * If nothing is correct string will return "_ _ _ " */
                        string wordToDisplay = displayWord(guessedLetters, word);
                        /* If the string returned contains the "_" character, all the
                        * correct letters have not been guessed, so checking if user
                        * has lost, by checking if numGuessesLeft is less than 1.*/
                        if (!wordToDisplay.Contains("_"))
                            solved = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("You Win!  The word was " + word);
                            /* Check if the user wants to play again.  If they do,
                            * then solved is set to true, will end the loop,
                            * otherwise, checkIfPlayAgain will close the program.*/
                        else if (numGuessesInt <= 0)
                            solved = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("You Lose!  The word was " + word);
                            /* If the user has not won or lost, call guessLetter,
                            * display the word, minus guesses by 1*/
                            guessLetter(guessedLetters, word, wordToDisplay, ref numGuessesInt);


                case 4:
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tEnd game?\n\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, invalid selection");



    private static void initializeWordList()
        words = new WordList();
        words.Add("test");         // Contains: test
        words.Add("dog");          // Contains: test, dog
        words.Insert(1, "shit"); // Contains: test, shit, dog

    // ****** PICK NUMBER OF GUESSES ******

    private static void pickNumGuesses(ref int numGuessesInt)
        string numGuessesString = "";
        Console.WriteLine("Pick a number of guesses");
        numGuessesString = Console.ReadLine();
            numGuessesInt = Convert.ToInt32(numGuessesString);
            if (!(numGuessesInt <= 20 & numGuessesInt >= 1))
                throw new Exception();
        catch (Exception)
            numGuessesInt = -1;
            Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Number of Guesses");


    private static string PickWord()
        return words[randomGen.Next(0, words.Count() - 1)];

    // ****** Display word ******

    private static string displayWord(List<char> guessedCharacters, string word)
        string returnedWord = "";
        if (guessedCharacters.Count == 0)
            foreach (char letter in word)
                returnedWord += "_ ";
            return returnedWord;
        foreach (char letter in word)
            bool letterMatch = false;
            foreach (char character in guessedCharacters)
                if (character == letter)
                    returnedWord += character + " ";
                    letterMatch = true;
                    letterMatch = false;
            if (letterMatch == false)
                returnedWord += "_ ";
        return returnedWord;

    // ****** Guess letter ******

    static void guessLetter(List<char> guessedCharacters, string word, string wordToDisplay, ref int numGuessesLeft)
        string letters = "";
        foreach (char letter in guessedCharacters)
            letters += " " + letter;
        Console.WriteLine("Guess a letter");
        Console.WriteLine("Guessed Letters: " + letters);
        Console.WriteLine("Guesses Left: " + numGuessesLeft);
        string guess = Console.ReadLine();
        char guessedLetter = 'a';
            guessedLetter = Convert.ToChar(guess);
            if (!Char.IsLetter(guessedLetter))
                throw new Exception();
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Letter Choice");
            //guessLetter(guessedCharacters, word, wordToDisplay, ref numGuessesLeft);
        bool repeat = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < guessedCharacters.Count; i++)
            if (guessedCharacters[i] == guessedLetter)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Letter Choice");
                repeat = true;
                //guessLetter(guessedCharacters, word, wordToDisplay, ref numGuessesLeft);
        if (repeat == false)
            numGuessesLeft -= 1;

    // ****** Check to see if player wants to play again. ******

    static void checkIfPlayAgain()
        Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? (y/n)");
        string playAgain = Console.ReadLine();
        if (playAgain == "n")

Wordlist.cs Wordlist.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class WordList : List<string>

Here is the very simple solution: 这是非常简单的解决方案:

Populate your list just one time, or when ever you add any word, call this method. 仅一次填充列表,或者每当添加任何单词时,都调用此方法。 Code: 码:

private void PopulateTheWordList()
            Console.Write("\n\tAdd a word\n\n");

Now just call this method to get random words: 现在只需调用此方法即可获得随机单词:

private string PickWord()
            Random ran = new Random();
            return WordList[ran.Next(0, WordList.Count)];

If you need to create List of words in another class, then use keyword static : 如果需要在另一个类中创建words List ,请使用关键字static

static List<string> WordList = new List<string>();

Now you can call it by just writing the class name, like YourClassName.WordList 现在,您只需编写类名即可调用它,例如YourClassName.WordList

Try creating a Static Class and add a method for returning your List, you will then be able to access your wordlist. 尝试创建一个静态类并添加一个用于返回列表的方法,然后您就可以访问您的单词表。

example: 例:

static class WordList
   static List<string> words = new List<string>();

   public static  void ListOfWords()
       words.Add("test");         // Contains: test
       words.Add("dog");          // Contains: test, dog
       words.Insert(1, "shit"); // Contains: test, shit, dog

       foreach (string word in words) // Display for verification


   public static List<string> GetWords()
      return words;

   public static void AddWord(string value)

You would then change your switch statement to look something like this. 然后,您可以将switch语句更改为如下所示。

switch (MenuChoice)
    case 1:               
        Console.Write("\n\tAdd a word\n\n");
        var insert = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("\n\tList of words\n\n");
    case 2:
        Console.Write("\n\tList of words\n\n");


and your pickWord Method would look like this: 您的pickWord方法将如下所示:

static string pickWord()
    string returnword = "";

    Random randomGen = new Random();
    returnword = WordList.GetWords()[randomGen.Next(0, WordList.GetWords().Count() - 1)];
    return returnword;

I modified your Wordlist class so that it can use a file to maintain your Words between uses of your program, just incase that is what was being asked of you. 我修改了Wordlist类,以便它可以在程序使用之间使用文件维护您的Word,以防万一正是您的要求。

static class WordList
    static string filePath = @"C:\temp\Word.txt";
    static List<string> words = new List<string>();
    private static void CheckFile()
       //Makes sure our base words are saved to the file
       if (!File.Exists(@"C:\temp\Word.txt"))
           using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))

   public static  void ListOfWords()
       using (TextReader file = new StreamReader(filePath))
           char[] delineators = new char[] { '\r', '\n' };
           string[] tempWords = file.ReadToEnd().Split(delineators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

           foreach (string line in tempWords)


       foreach (string word in words) // Display for verification



   public static List<string> GetWords()
      return words;

   public static void AddWord(string value)
       using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath,true ))

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