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是否有任何Netbeans插件可以替代Eclipse蓝宝石? (数据绑定到GUI)

[英]Is there any Netbeans plugin that replaces Eclipse Sapphire? (Data Binding to GUI)

I use Eclipse Sapphire to create editors for specific XML files. 我使用Eclipse Sapphire为特定的XML文件创建编辑器。 I have multiple editors for multiple XML files, in a single application using RCP. 在使用RCP的单个应用程序中,我有多个XML文件的多个编辑器。

What I need is to migrate from Eclipse RCP to Netbeans Platform . 我需要从Eclipse RCP迁移到Netbeans Platform The only problem I have is to find a competitive alternative to Sapphire in Netbeans. 我唯一的问题是在Netbeans中找到一种替代Sapphire的竞争产品。

After searching I found Binding Beans but I'm not sure it can totally replace it. 搜索之后,我发现了Binding Beans,但不确定它是否能完全取代它。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Sapphire aims to raise UI writing to a higher level of abstraction. Sapphire旨在将UI编写提高到更高的抽象水平。 The core premise is that the basic building block of UI should not be a widget (text box, label, button, etc.), but rather a property editor. 核心前提是,UI的基本构建块不应是小部件(文本框,标签,按钮等),而应是属性编辑器。

A bit at a lower level, but note that the JavaBeans specification also has support for PropertyEditors: 稍微低一点,但请注意,JavaBeans规范也支持PropertyEditor:

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/beans/PropertyEditor.html http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/beans/PropertyEditor.html

Have a look at the java.beans package to see what's provided by the JDK: 看一下java.beans包,看看JDK提供了什么:

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/beans/package-summary.html http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/beans/package-summary.html

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