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Netbeans / Eclipse提取GUI代码

[英]Netbeans/Eclipse extracting GUI code

Is there a plugin that would allow me to design the GUI in eclipse or netbeans and then extract the source code to be used in another environment? 是否有插件允许我在eclipse或netbeans中设计GUI,然后提取要在另一个环境中使用的源代码?

I am much more comfortable using emacs for my development but gui design is much easier with a WYSIWYG environment. 使用emacs进行开发我感觉更舒服,但使用WYSIWYG环境可以更轻松地设计gui。 What i am looking for is design the frame in eclipse/netbeans and then extract just gui code so i can import it to my project? 我正在寻找的是在eclipse / netbeans中设计框架,然后提取gui代码,以便我可以将其导入我的项目?

Like JFrameBuilder does. 就像JFrameBuilder一样。

What's wrong with using both Netbeans/Eclipse and emacs on the same set of files? 在同一组文件上同时使用Netbeans / Eclipse和emacs有什么问题?

  1. Use Netbeans or Eclipse to design GUI. 使用Netbeans或Eclipse设计GUI。
  2. Close Netbeans/Eclipse. 关闭Netbeans / Eclipse。
  3. Open Emacs and code away. 打开Emacs并编写代码。
  4. Close Emacs. 关闭Emacs。
  5. Rinse and repeat. 冲洗并重复。

Personally, what I have experienced is that GUI design in Swing is best done without a WYSIWYG. 就个人而言,我所经历的是Swing中的GUI设计最好没有WYSIWYG。 I came into Java after many years of developing applications with Delphi, and at that time there was no suitable GUI designer for Swing, which was a bit of a shock for me. 我在使用Delphi开发应用程序多年后进入Java,当时没有适合Swing的GUI设计器,这对我来说有点震撼。

In order for a manual UI design/coding to be efficient a really good layout manager should be used. 为了使手动UI设计/编码高效,应该使用非常好的布局管理器。 MigLayout is one of such layout managers. MigLayout是这样的布局管理器之一。 Since I've started using it I have never looked back at WYSIWIG tools -- a sheet of paper, a pencil, MigLayout and a full control over your code. 自从我开始使用它以来,我从未回顾过WYSIWIG工具 - 一张纸,一支铅笔,MigLayout以及对代码的完全控制。

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