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[英]populate a 'select list' from a directory on my server using php and html

Is it possible (I am assuming not) to populate a drop down list from files that are on my website, say in the images folder? 是否可以(我假设不是)从网站上的文件(例如images文件夹)填充下拉列表? in a html form? 以html格式?

<select name="s1">
      <option value="" selected="selected">-----</option>
       foreach(glob('/images/*') as $filename){
       $rest = substr($filename, 7);    
       echo "<li><a href='#'>".$rest."</a></li>";


You can use scandir - http://php.net/manual/en/function.scandir.php 您可以使用scandir - http: scandir

Then just run a foreach on the returned array and echo <option> for each one. 然后,只需在返回的数组上运行一个foreach ,然后对每个数组执行<option>

Try it like this: 像这样尝试:

<select name="s1">
      <option value="" selected="selected">-----</option>
       foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/images/*') as $filename){
       $filename = basename($filename);
       echo "<option value='" . $filename . "'>".$filename."</option>";


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