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从php oracle数据库填充选择列表

[英]Populate a select list from php oracle database

I am trying to connect to Oracle database from the following PHP script to populate a drop down list but the script doesn't work. 我试图从下面的PHP脚本连接到Oracle数据库,以填充一个下拉列表,但是该脚本不起作用。

Can anyone see an issue? 谁能看到一个问题? Many thanks! 非常感谢!

$conn = oci_connect('username', 'password', 'host');

$stid = oci_parse($conn, 'select product_id, product_name from product order by product_id');

$query = "select product_id, product_name from product order by product_id";

$res = mysql_query($stid);
echo "<select name = 'Product'>";
while (($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) != null)
    echo "<option value = '{$row['product_id']}'";
    if ($selected_product_id == $row['product_id'])
        echo "selected = 'selected'";
    echo ">{$row['product_name']}</option>";

echo ""; 回显“”;

Why are you using mysql_* to interrogate an oracle database?? 为什么使用mysql_ *询问oracle数据库? I think the right function to use is oci_execute 我认为要使用的正确函数是oci_execute

$res = mysql_query($stid);

The above line in your code is used to query a MySQL database,not Oracle. 代码中的上一行用于查询MySQL数据库,而不是Oracle。

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