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[英]Divide a whole number by a decimal number

I am trying to divide a whole number by a decimal/float/double. 我正在尝试将整数除以十进制/浮点数/双精度数。 I am able to divide whole numbers just find using: int Num1 = 300 / 2; 我能够将整数除以使用: int Num1 = 300 / 2; , but when I try to make that "2" a decimal it won't work. ,但是当我尝试将“ 2”设为小数时,它将无法正常工作。 I have seen people mention doing this int Num1 = 300 / ((float)1.25); 我见过有人提到这样做int Num1 = 300 / ((float)1.25); . That honestly doesn't make any sense to me... I have also tried int Num1 = Decimal.Divide(300, 1.25); 老实说,这对我没有任何意义...我也尝试过int Num1 = Decimal.Divide(300, 1.25); without any luck.. 没有运气..

The problem is that you're trying to save the the result to an int . 问题是您正在尝试将结果保存到int Try this: 尝试这个:

float result = 300 / (float)2;
float result = 300 / (float)1.25;

Or for more brevity (the f is a signal to the compiler that this is a float constant): 或者更简洁( f是向编译器发出的信号,它是一个float常量):

float result = 300 / 2f;
float result = 300 / 1.25f;

Note that float is very different from a decimal , and both have their advantages. 请注意, floatdecimal有很大不同,两者都有其优点。 To use a decimal: 要使用小数:

decimal result = decimal.Divide(300, 1.25);

Or this (the m is a signal to the compiler that this is a decimal constant): 或这( m是向编译器发出的信号,它是一个decimal常数):

decimal result = decimal.Divide(300m, 1.25m);

Simply put: 简单的说:

  • If you do an arithmatic operation (like +, -, *, /) on two numbers of a different type, the compiler converts the "smallest" type to the "bigest" type which can hold the most information. 如果对不同类型的两个数字执行算术运算(例如+,-,*,/),则编译器会将“最小”类型转换为可以容纳最多信息的“最大”类型。 So, if you are dividing 300 (an int) by 1.25 (a double), the compiler will convert 300 to a double and than devide both doubles. 因此,如果将300(一个int)除以1.25(一个double),则编译器会将300转换为double,然后将两个double相加。 The resulting type will be of the same type, so: a double. 结果类型将是相同类型,因此:double。
  • If you want to put the result of a "bigger" type into a "smaller" type (a type that can hold less information, like fractions), you HAVE to convert this type into the smaller type by using an explicit cast. 如果要将“较大”类型的结果放入“较小”类型(这种类型可以容纳较少的信息,例如分数),则必须使用显式强制转换将此类型转换为较小类型。 So, if you want to put a double into an int, your have to cast it to an int, resulting in possible loss of information. 因此,如果要将double放入int,则必须将其强制转换为int,从而可能导致信息丢失。
  • C# knows many suffixes you can use on constant numbers, to explicitly state what type that number is: C#知道您可以在常数上使用许多后缀,以明确说明该数字是什么类型:
    • 10U ==> uint 10U ==> uint
    • 10L ==> long 10L ==>长
    • 10F ==> float 10F ==>浮动
    • 10D ==> double 10D ==>两倍
    • 10M ==> decimal. 10M ==>十进制。

You are trying to store the result in an integer. 您正在尝试将结果存储为整数。 Instead use a double as the type of the variable to store the result: 而是使用double作为变量的类型来存储结果:

double Num1 = 300 / 2;
double Num1 = 300 / 1.25;

An int can only store whole numbers. 一个int只能存储整数。 When you divide a whole number by a decimal, the output will be a decimal (even if you use 4.00 because of the way floating points are stored). 用整数除以小数时,输出将是小数(即使由于浮点存储方式而使用4.00 )。

This won't compile 这不会编译

int Num1 = 300 / ((float)1.25);

Even though you're casting an explicit float (otherwise 1.25 would be a double ), you're trying to store it in a variable of type int . 即使您正在强制转换显式float(否则1.25将是double ),您仍试图将其存储在int类型的变量中。 The compiler will not do this automatically because an implicit conversion doesn't exist for it to cast a float as an int for you. 编译器不会自动执行此操作,因为不存在隐式转换 ,编译器无法将floatint Therefore, you need to either tell the compiler that you don't mind losing the precision and cast it as an int 因此,您需要告诉编译器您不介意丢失精度并将其强制转换为int

int Num1 = (int)(300 / ((float)1.25));

Or you can change the type of Num1 to be a float. 或者,您可以将Num1的类型更改为浮点数。

float Num1 = 300 / ((float)1.25);

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