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[英]Unity3D swipe controls to increment counter (C#)

I've looked around for various swiping-related answers, and could not find anything that suited me directly. 我到处寻找各种与刷卡相关的答案,但找不到直接适合我的内容。

The idea is to swipe left to increment an integer variable, and left to decrement it. 想法是向左滑动以增大整数变量,向左滑动以减小整数变量。 I have it working for buttons, and would simply like to convert it for a touch input. 我有它用于按钮的功能,只是想将其转换为触摸输入。

The current script is as follows: 当前脚本如下:

private void Buttons(){
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect (1080,80, 40, 220), "Next")) {
        screenNumber ++;
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect (160,80, 40, 220), "Back")) {
        screenNumber --;

*screenNumber is the name of the int variable. * screenNumber是int变量的名称。

I am developing for Android, if that is important for this functionality. 我正在为Android开发,如果这对于此功能很重要。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

I've been using FingerGestures for both mouse and touch controls. 我一直在将FingerGestures用于鼠标和触摸控件。 I highly recommend it, especially for painless Touch/Mobile development. 我强烈建议您使用它,尤其是对于轻松的触摸/移动开发而言。

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