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[英]How do I remove lines from every file that has a matching text?

$ grep "console.log" * -R
account/db.js:        console.log(err);
account/db.js:        console.log(info);
account/db.js:                console.log(err);
account/db.js:                    console.log(err2);
account/controller.js:    console.log(covers);
account/controller.js:    console.log(req.api_user);
account/controller.js:    console.log(code);
account/controller.js:        console.log(user);
account/helper.js:                console.log(err);
messages/db.js:        console.log("Error " + err);
messages/helper.js:                console.log('No email notify.');
messages/helper.js:                console.log(msg_body);
messages/helper.js:                        console.log(message.sid);
messages/helper.js:                        console.log(message.dateCreated);
messages/helper.js:                        console.log(error);
products/controller.js:            console.log(product);
products/controller.js:                console.log(product);
products/helper.js:        console.log(data)
products/helper.js:    console.log('removing index....');
profile/db.js:                console.log(err);
profile/db.js:                console.log(info);
profile/db.js:                console.log(err);
profile/controller.js:                            console.log("sending phone confirmation text...");
profile/helper.js:            console.log(message.sid);
profile/helper.js:            console.log(message.dateCreated);
profile/helper.js:            console.log(error);
receiver/controller.js:    console.log(from);
receiver/controller.js:    console.log(body);
receiver/controller.js:        console.log(from_email);
receiver/controller.js:        console.log(to_id_gen);
receiver/controller.js:        console.log(finalbody);
receiver/controller.js:                            console.log(result);
reviews/db.js:        console.log(err);
reviews/db.js:        console.log(results);
reviews/controller.js:            console.log(review);
reviews/controller.js:    console.log(review_id);
search/controller.js:        console.log(JSON.stringify(data.hits.hits, null, 4));

As you can see, while I was writing my code, I was doing console.log everywhere. 如您所见,在编写代码时,我到处都在进行console.log。

Now, I want to remove all those lines. 现在,我要删除所有这些行。 I don't want to manually go into every file to remove them. 我不想手动进入每个文件将其删除。 Instead, I want to do it via a command. 相反,我想通过命令来完成。

Similar to grep "console.log" * -R , how can I do that same thing but remove those lines recursively? 类似于grep "console.log" * -R ,我如何做同样的事情,但是递归地删除那些行? (look through every file all the way down the tree from my current directory) (从我的当前目录一直浏览树中的每个文件)

try find for such things. 尝试find这种东西。 try find . -type f -exec sed -i '/console\\.log/d' {} \\; 尝试find . -type f -exec sed -i '/console\\.log/d' {} \\; find . -type f -exec sed -i '/console\\.log/d' {} \\; but you might be interested in using -i.bak instead of -i which keeps a back up copy 但是您可能会对使用-i.bak而不是-i感兴趣, -i.bak它会保留备份副本

Give this a shot. 试一下。

sed -i.bak '/console.log/d' */*.js

The -i param edits files in place. -i参数可在适当位置编辑文件。 The original file will have .bak appended to its name, so you can restore it if something goes wrong, or you change your mind. 原始文件的名称后将附加.bak ,因此如果出现问题或改变主意,则可以将其恢复。

This is not a properly recursive solution; 这不是一个适当的递归解决方案。 you may need to modify the file name wildcard, or drive the command from a find . -exec ... 您可能需要修改文件名通配符,或从find . -exec ...驱动命令find . -exec ... find . -exec ... wrapper to make it recursive. find . -exec ...包装使其递归。


perl -i -n -e'print unless /console\.log/' $(find . -name '*.js')

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