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[英]How to save Canvas-Control at specific position (in a viewbox) to a png in c# wpf?

I want to develope a .NET application with WPF. 我想用WPF开发一个.NET应用程序。

In the end there should be a Viewbox or something similar, this Viewbox should contain a canvas and in this canvas there could be various things like filled rectangles, ellipses etc. ( like a drawing application eg. paint). 最后,应该有一个Viewbox或类似的东西,该Viewbox应该包含一个画布,并且在该画布中可以有各种东西,例如实心矩形,椭圆等(例如绘图应用程序,例如paint)。

Now I want to implement the functionallity to save the content of the Canvas to a PNG. 现在,我想实现将Canvas的内容保存到PNG的功能。 I tried rendering the Canvas to a RenderTargetBitmap and then saving it. 我尝试将Canvas渲染到RenderTargetBitmap,然后保存它。

The problem here is that I am not able to set specific coordinates, the only thing I can set is the Size (Canvas width & height) of the RenderTargetBitmap, but it will start rendering the Size starting from (0|0) where my Canvas element starts somewhere else. 这里的问题是我无法设置特定的坐标,我唯一可以设置的是RenderTargetBitmap的大小(画布宽度和高度),但是它将开始从(0 | 0)开始渲染我的画布的大小元素从其他地方开始。 Is there some work arround for that?? 为此有一些工作吗?

The next Problem is, there should be the posibilty to add pictures as sub-element of the root-Canvas, but how could I care about quality and that everything in the Viewbox is printed? 下一个问题是,应该有可能添加图片作为根Canvas的子元素,但是我如何关心质量以及Viewbox中的所有内容都已打印出来?

Thank you very much! 非常感谢你!

------ EDIT ------ ------编辑------

I think I've got a Solution: 我想我有一个解决方案:

void SaveUsingEncoder(Canvas myCanvas, string fileName)
        PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
        RenderTargetBitmap bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(

        Rect bounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetDescendantBounds(myCanvas);
        Console.WriteLine(bounds.X + "|" + bounds.Y + "  " + bounds.Width + "|" + bounds.Height);
        DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual();
        using (DrawingContext ctx = dv.RenderOpen())
            VisualBrush vb = new VisualBrush(myCanvas);
            ctx.DrawRectangle(vb, null, new Rect(bounds.Location, bounds.Size));
        BitmapFrame frame = BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap);
        using (var stream = File.Create(fileName))

This saves the complete canvas for me 这为我保存了完整的画布

at specific position - 在特定位置-

I think in your case use Margins. 我认为在您的情况下使用边距。

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