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[英]Get multiple comparisons with GGplot2

I produced a plot with the standard R base function PLOT. 我用标准的R基函数PLOT制作了一个图。 plot(dataframe) This plot looks like this: plot(dataframe)这个图看起来像这样: 在此处输入图片说明

Now i want to make the same plot with GGplot2. 现在我想用GGplot2做同样的情节。 But everything i tried failed so far. 但是到目前为止,我尝试的所有操作都失败了。 My dataframe looks like this: 我的数据框如下所示:

structure(list(tRap_pear = c(0.0350096175177328, 0.234255507711743, 
0.23714999195134, 0.185536020521134, 0.191585098617356, 0.201402054387186, 
0.220911538536031, 0.216072802572045, 0.132247101763063, 0.172753098431029
), Beeml_pear = c(0.179209909971615, 0.79129167285928, 0.856908302056589, 
0.729078080521886, 0.709346164378725, 0.669599784720647, 0.585348196746785, 
0.639355942917055, 0.544909349368496, 0.794652394149651), Mash_spear = c(0.158648548431316, 
0.53887352819363, 0.457888265527408, 0.563127988391531, 0.535626487998822, 
0.339363025936821, 0.347487640634066, 0.446668310403948, 0.327120869232769, 
0.597005214316607), tRap_spear = c(0.0401250136715237, 0.511012317625831, 
0.328979081566789, 0.518148084654934, 0.469847452665152, 0.264057161482016, 
0.312517231623128, 0.430052514388429, 0.338233671643239, 0.417881662695103
), Beeml_spear = c(0.0961259035034072, 0.70273493789764, 0.466746274696884, 
0.817805518009015, 0.722756585905275, 0.407861493627591, 0.423745193368859, 
0.534971415799068, 0.519199516553983, 0.748709415442623), Mash_pear2080 = c(0.823944540480775, 
0.816630852343513, 0.81134728399675, 0.801065036203532, 0.799630945085954, 
0.799195606444727, 0.798637867344115, 0.798478922129054, 0.798090734787886, 
0.797673368802285), Mash_spear2080 = c(0.687131069446869, 0.704882483221722, 
0.696045373880582, 0.716722524407137, 0.74354480616146, 0.684047794911021, 
0.718132260792985, 0.639437653298423, 0.671605390101442, 0.670239912705399
)), .Names = c("tRap_pear", "Beeml_pear", "Mash_spear", "tRap_spear", 
"Beeml_spear", "Mash_pear2080", "Mash_spear2080"), row.names = c("Aft1", 
"Alx3_3418.2", "Alx4_1744.1", "Arid3a_3875.1_v1_primary", "Arid3a_3875.1_v2_primary", 
"Arid3a_3875.2_v1_primary", "Arid3a_3875.2_v2_primary", "Arid5a_3770.2_v1_primary", 
"Arid5a_3770.2_v2_primary", "Aro80"), class = "data.frame")

I know its something with the facets of GGPlot but how to correctly implement this still remains a question to me. 我知道GGPlot的各个方面,但是如何正确实现这一点仍然是我的问题。

To get similar plot to plotmatrix() in ggplot2 package but with names on the diagonal, first, you need to reshape from wide format to long format. 要获得与ggplot2包中的plotmatrix()类似的图,但名称在对角线上,首先,您需要将其从宽格式重整为长格式。

This code (made by @Arun) makes all combinations of variable names (with expand.grid() ) and then you put all data for each combination in one long data frame. 这段代码(由@Arun制造)使变量名的所有组合(带有expand.grid() ),然后将每种组合的所有数据放入一个长数据帧中。

combs <- expand.grid(names(dataframe), names(dataframe))

out <- do.call(rbind, apply(combs, 1, function(x) {
  tt <- dataframe[, x]; names(tt) <- c("V1", "V2")
  tt <- cbind(tt, id1 = x[1], id2 = x[2])

Next, make new data frame for texts - position of labels are calculated as mean value for each variable. 接下来,为文本创建新的数据框-将标签的位置计算为每个变量的平均值。 Position is calculated to put label in middle of data range. 计算位置以将标签置于数据范围的中间。


Now, replace those values were both variables are the same with NA (data on diagonals). 现在,替换这两个变量为NA的值(对角线数据)。 This should be done after text data frame is made. 这应该在创建文本数据框之后完成。


Now plot your data and use both variable ids for facetting and with geom_text() add texts to diagonals. 现在绘制数据并使用变量id进行构面,并使用geom_text()将文本添加到对角线。

ggplot(data = out, aes(x = V2, y = V1)) + geom_point() +
  facet_grid(id1 ~ id2,scales="free")+


If your data is called mydf, 如果您的数据称为mydf,


A warning says: "This function is deprecated. For a replacement, see the ggpairs function in the GGally package." 警告说:“不建议使用此功能。要进行替换,请参阅GGally软件包中的ggpairs函数。”

therefore: 因此:


ggpairs(mydf, upper=list(continuous = "points", combo = "box"))

Have a look in the help page to play around with the parameters. 在帮助页面中查看有关参数的信息。

I think your question is answered in this blog post . 我认为您的问题已在此博客文章中得到了回答。 In particular, 尤其是,


However, this function is now depreciated, so use the ggpairs function in GGally 但是,这个功能现在已经贬值,所以使用ggpairs在功能GGally

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