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[英]Finding tablename

i've 8 tables.. assume it as x1,x2...x8. 我有8张桌子..假设它为x1,x2 ... x8。 these tables have similar structure with fields as: id,content,pageview. 这些表格具有类似的结构,其字段如下:id,content,pageview。

Pageview count the number of views of particular id. 网页浏览计数特定ID的浏览次数。 post's are stored in rows with particular id's. 帖子存储在具有特定ID的行中。

i want to find first top 10 post on the basis of pageview from these 8 tables. 我想从这8个表格的综合浏览量中找到前10大帖子。

i used : 我用了 :

$sql="select id,content from x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8 ORDER by pageview;"

results comes up.ok! 结果出现了。好的! suppose results are like 假设结果像

Id Content ID内容
13 this is just one 19 okay what to say .. .. . 13这只是一个19好的,说什么.....

in this result i want to find this ID:19 belongs to which table? 在此结果中,我想找到此ID:19属于哪个表? I can run loops to match content but that wont be fast enough and good logic.. 我可以运行循环以匹配内容,但是这样做不够快且逻辑良好。

any solution to find tablename of particular id? 找到特定ID的表名的任何解决方案?

Your sample query will not run as is if you have the same field names in each table. 如果每个表中都有相同的字段名称,则示例查询将不会按原样运行。 Not to mention that you're producing a cartesian product since you're not joining on any of your fields. 更不用说您正在生产笛卡尔积,因为您没有加入任何领域。

I think you might be looking for a UNION instead: 我认为您可能正在寻找UNION

select *
from (
   select 'x1' as whichtable, id, content, pageview from x1
   select 'x2' as whichtable, id, content, pageview from x2
   select 'x8' as whichtable, id, content, pageview from x8
) t
order by pageview

Then you can use the whichtable field to see which table the result came from. 然后,您可以使用whichtable字段查看结果来自哪个表。

Here is a sample SQL Fiddle Demo . 这是一个示例SQL Fiddle演示

Just reread your post, and if you're looking for which table contains ID 19, then you can add a where clause to the above query: 只是重新阅读您的文章,如果您要查找包含ID 19的表,则可以在上述查询中添加where子句:

select *
from (
   select 'x1' as whichtable, id, content, pageview from x1
   select 'x2' as whichtable, id, content, pageview from x2
   select 'x8' as whichtable, id, content, pageview from x8
) t
where id = 19
order by pageview

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