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[英]How to implement method with expression parameter c#

I want to create a method like this: 我想创建一个这样的方法:

var result = database.Search<EntityType>(x=>x.Name, "Entity Name field value");
result = database.Search<EntityType>(x=>x.Id, "Entity Id field value");
result = database.Search<EntityType2>(x=>x.Id, "Entity2 Id field value");
result = database.Search<EntityTypeAny>(x=>x.FieldAny, "EntityAny FieldAny value");

How can I implement this method? 我该如何实现这个方法?

You can turn a selector and value into a predicate using Expression.Equal : 您可以使用Expression.Equal将选择器和值转换为谓词:

static IQueryable<TSource> Search<TSource, TValue>(
    this IQueryable<TSource> source,
    Expression<Func<TSource,TValue>> selector,
    TValue value)
    var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource,bool>>(
            Expression.Constant(value, typeof(TValue))
        ), selector.Parameters);
    return source.Where(predicate);

Then you just need to do something like: 然后你只需要做一些事情:

var result = database.SomeEntities.Search(x => x.SomeProp, "value");

If you want to do it from the database , then that depends on what the database is ; 如果你想从数据库中做到这一点,那么这取决于数据库什么; for example, with LINQ-to-SQL you could add an additional method: 例如,使用LINQ-to-SQL,您可以添加其他方法:

static IQueryable<TSource> Search<TSource, TValue>(
    this System.Data.Linq.DataContext database,
    Expression<Func<TSource, TValue>> selector,
    TValue value) where TSource : class
    IQueryable<TSource> source = database.GetTable<TSource>();
    return Search(source, selector, value);

and use: 并使用:

var result = database.Search<SomeEntity, string>(x => x.SomeProp, "value");

frankly I think it is clearer to use the database.SomeEntities version, though. 坦率地说,我认为使用database.SomeEntities版本更清楚。

I can only think of this (with 2 generic arguments) 我只能想到这个(有两个通用参数)

    public static IEnumerable<TModel> Search<TModel, TValue>(
        Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression,
        TValue value
        return new List<TModel>();

usage 用法

var result = Search<EntityType, int>(x => x.Id, 1);
var result2 = Search<EntityType, string>(x => x.Name, "The name");

you can replace TValue with object to avoid the second generic argument, but I would stick with this. 你可以用对象替换TValue以避免第二个泛型参数,但我会坚持这一点。

Btw. 顺便说一句。 this works great in conjunction with this little helper 这与这个小助手一起很好用

public static class ExpressionHelpers
    public static string MemberName<T, V>(this Expression<Func<T, V>> expression)
        var memberExpression = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
        if (memberExpression == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Expression must be a member expression");

        return memberExpression.Member.Name;

Now you can get the Name of the Property (Id oder Name) in this example by calling 现在,您可以通过调用获取此示例中的属性名称(Id order Name)

var name = expression.MemberName();

do you want types to dynamic 你想要类型动态吗?

public ReturnType Read<ReturnType>(string FieldName, object dfVal)
    if (Res.IsDBNull(Res.GetOrdinal(FieldName)))
        return dfVal;
    try {
        return (ReturnType)Res.GetValue(Res.GetOrdinal(FieldName));
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        return dfVal;

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