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[英]Convert a numpy array to a CSV string and a CSV string back to a numpy array

I have to convert a numpy array of floats to a string (to store in a SQL DB) and then also convert the same string back into a numpy float array. 我必须将numpy浮点数组转换为字符串(存储在SQL DB中),然后将相同的字符串转换回numpy浮点数组。

This is how I'm going to a string ( based on this article ) 这就是我要去一个字符串( 基于这篇文章

VIstring = ''.join(['%.5f,' % num for num in VI])
VIstring= VIstring[:-1] #Get rid of the last comma

So firstly this does work, is it a good way to go? 首先,这确实有效,这是一个好方法吗? Is their a better way to get rid of that last comma? 他们是摆脱最后一个逗号的更好方法吗? Or can I get the join method to insert the commas for me? 或者我可以使用join方法为我插入逗号吗?

Then secondly,more importantly, is there a clever way to get from the string back to a float array? 其次,更重要的是,是否有一种聪明的方法从字符串返回浮点数组?

Here is an example of the array and the string: 这是一个数组和字符串的示例:

array([ 17.95024446,  17.51670904,  17.08894626,  16.66695611,
        16.25073861,  15.84029374,  15.4356215 ,  15.0367219 ,
        14.64359494,  14.25624062,  13.87465893,  13.49884988,
        13.12881346,  12.76454968,  12.40605854,  12.00293814,
        11.96379322,  11.96272486,  11.96142533,  11.96010489,
        11.95881595,  12.26924591,  12.67548634,  13.08158864,
        13.4877041 ,  13.87701221,  14.40238245,  14.94943786,
        15.49364166,  16.03681428,  16.5498035 ,  16.78362298,
        16.90331119,  17.02299387,  17.12193689,  17.09448654,
        17.00066063,  16.9300633 ,  16.97229868,  17.2169709 ,  17.75368411])


Oh yes and the loss of precision from the %.5f is totally fine, these values are interpolated by the original points only have 4 decimal place precision so I don't need to beat that. 哦,是的, %.5f的精度损失是完全正常的,这些值是由原始点插值只有4位小数精度所以我不需要打败它。 So when recovering the numpy array, I'm happy to only get 5 decimal place precision (obviously I suppose) 所以当恢复numpy数组时,我很高兴只获得5位小数精度(显然我想)

First you should use join this way to avoid the last comma issue: 首先,您应该以这种方式使用join来避免最后一个逗号问题:

VIstring = ','.join(['%.5f' % num for num in VI])

Then to read it back, use numpy.fromstring : 然后再读回来,使用numpy.fromstring

np.fromstring(VIstring, sep=',')
>>> import numpy  as np
>>> from cStringIO import StringIO
>>> VI = np.array([ 17.95024446,  17.51670904,  17.08894626,  16.66695611,
        16.25073861,  15.84029374,  15.4356215 ,  15.0367219 ,
        14.64359494,  14.25624062,  13.87465893,  13.49884988,
        13.12881346,  12.76454968,  12.40605854,  12.00293814,
        11.96379322,  11.96272486,  11.96142533,  11.96010489,
        11.95881595,  12.26924591,  12.67548634,  13.08158864,
        13.4877041 ,  13.87701221,  14.40238245,  14.94943786,
        15.49364166,  16.03681428,  16.5498035 ,  16.78362298,
        16.90331119,  17.02299387,  17.12193689,  17.09448654,
        17.00066063,  16.9300633 ,  16.97229868,  17.2169709 ,  17.75368411])
>>> s = StringIO()
>>> np.savetxt(s, VI, fmt='%.5f', newline=",")
>>> s.getvalue()
>>> np.fromstring(s.getvalue(), sep=',')
array([ 17.95024,  17.51671,  17.08895,  16.66696,  16.25074,  15.84029,
        15.43562,  15.03672,  14.64359,  14.25624,  13.87466,  13.49885,
        13.12881,  12.76455,  12.40606,  12.00294,  11.96379,  11.96272,
        11.96143,  11.9601 ,  11.95882,  12.26925,  12.67549,  13.08159,
        13.4877 ,  13.87701,  14.40238,  14.94944,  15.49364,  16.03681,
        16.5498 ,  16.78362,  16.90331,  17.02299,  17.12194,  17.09449,
        17.00066,  16.93006,  16.9723 ,  17.21697,  17.75368])

If you want some string representation whatsoever (not necessarily CSV), you could try this, which I have been using: 如果你想要一些字符串表示(不一定是CSV),你可以尝试这个,我一直在使用:

import numpy, json

## arr is some numpy.ndarray
s = json.dumps(arr.tolist())
arrback = numpy.array(json.loads(s))

It works for most common datatypes. 它适用于大多数常见数据类型。

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