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[英]Is it wrong to use Assert.That (rather than Assume.That) with a [Theory]?

interface IPoint
    int X { get; }
    int Y { get; }

static bool CoincidesWith(this IPoint self, IPoint other); // implementation unknown

I want to write a NUnit test that verifies my assumption about the meaning of CoincidesWith : 我想编写一个NUnit测试,以验证我对CoincidesWith含义的假设:

self.CoincidesWith(other) ⇔ ( self.X = other.X ) ∧ ( self.Y = other.Y ) self.CoincidesWith(other) ⇔( self.X = other.X )∧( self.Y = other.Y

The following is the most succinct test I've been able to come up with so far: 以下是到目前为止我能提出的最简洁的测试:

void CoincidesWith_Iff_CoordinatesAreEqual(IPoint self, IPoint other)
    bool coordinatesAreEqual = (self.X == other.X && self.Y == other.Y);
    Assert.That(self.CoincidesWith(other) == coordinatesAreEqual);

My questions, in descending order of importance, are: 我的问题按重要性从高到低依次为:

  1. With [Theory] , is it considered wrong, or bad style, to use Assert.That instead of Assume.That ? 使用[Theory] ,使用Assert.That代替Assume.That是否被认为是错误的或不良的风格? ( The documentation seems to suggest that the latter should be used in conjunction with [Theory] . ) 文档似乎建议后者应与[Theory]结合使用。
  2. Is this case indeed more suitable for a [Theory] rather than a [Test] ? 这种情况确实比[Test]更适合[Theory] [Test]吗?

After some more thought, I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with my above solution. 经过一番思考后,我得出的结论是我的上述解决方案没有任何问题。

Is this case indeed more suitable for a [Theory] rather than a [Test] ? 这种情况确实比[Test]更适合[Theory] [Test]吗?

If the implementation for the CoincidesWith method were available for inspection (eg as source code), or at least well-documented, then there would be no need to make assumptions — I could simply look up what I need to know. 如果CoincidesWith方法的实现可用于检查(例如,作为源代码),或者至少有充分的文献证明,则无需进行假设-我可以简单地查找我需要知道的内容。 In that case, a [Test] — or, as xUnit.net calls tests, a [Fact] — would seem more appropriate. 在这种情况下, [Test] (或xUnit.net称测试为[Fact] )似乎更合适。

But since I have no access to the implementation for CoincidesWith , and the documentation is insufficient, I do need to make some assumption, or [Theory] , about the general working of the method. 但是,由于我无法访问CoincidesWith的实现,并且文档不足,因此,我确实需要对该方法的一般工作作一些假设或[Theory]

With [Theory] , is it considered wrong, or bad style, to use Assert.That instead of Assume.That ? 使用[Theory] ,使用Assert.That代替Assume.That是否被认为是错误的或不良的风格?

No. It's just another tool to be used, and neither less nor more appropriate than Assert.That . 否。它只是要使用的另一种工具,而且比Assert.ThatAssert.That

In the context of a [Theory] , Assume.That would seem to be the right means of putting additional constraints on the supplied [Datapoints] , while verifying the actual assumption (using those datapoints that make it past Assume.That ) is left to Assert.That . [Theory]的上下文中, Assume.That这似乎是对所提供的[Datapoints]施加附加约束的正确方法,同时验证了实际假设(使用使它们超出Assume.That那些数据点)。 Assert.That

An example can illustrate this. 一个例子可以说明这一点。 Let's try to write a test for this assumption: 让我们尝试为此假设编写一个测试:

Given an even integer a and an odd integer b , their product a * b is even. 给定一个偶数整数a和一个奇数整数b ,它们的乘积a * b是偶数。

Testing if a * b is even only makes sense once the preconditions are met. 仅当满足前提条件时,才测试a * b是否有意义。 If a is not an even integer, or b is not an odd integer, the test should neither succeed nor fail; 如果a不是一个偶数整数,或者b不是一个奇数整数,则测试既不应成功也不应该失败; it should be inconclusive. 应该没有定论。 And that's exactly what Assume.That helps achieve. 而这正是Assume.That 。这有助于实现。 The actual test, however, is left to Assert.That : 但是,实际测试留给Assert.That

void GivenAnEvenIntegerAndAnOddInteger_ProductIsAnEvenInteger(int a, int b)
    // note: the type system already ensures that `a` and `b` are integers.
    int product = a * b;
    // note: the theory doesn't require `product` to be an integer, so even
    // if the type system didn't already assert this, we would not test for it.

int[] integers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };

static bool IsEven(this int integer) { … }
static bool IsOdd(this int integer) { … }

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