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如果在函数中使用,“return b ++”中“b”的增量会发生什么变化?

[英]What happens to the increment of “b” in “return b++” ,if used in a function?

Since b++ is post-increment,what happens to the increment of b if used as return b++ as in the following program? 由于b++是后递增的,如果用作return b++b的增量会发生什么变化,如下面的程序?


int foo(int);

int main()
   int a=8;

int foo(int a)
   static int  b=a*a;
    return b++;

Edit 编辑

int foo();

int main()

int foo()
    static int b=1;
    return b++;

Result 结果

1 1

2 2

As I saw in my edit, why is b incremented at all?Isn't return supposed to exit that function immediately?Why is b incremented even after control returns to main() ? 正如我在我的编辑看到了,为什么b都增加?是不是return应该立即退出该功能?为什么b递增即使控制返回到main() Aren't all activities in the function supposed to end after return? 返回后,函数中的所有活动都不应该结束吗?

Many C (sub-)expression have a value and a side effect. 许多C(子)表达具有值和副作用。

The value of b++ is the value of b before evaluating the expression; 在评估表达式之前, b++的值是b的值; its side effect is to increase the value in b by one. 它的副作用是将b的值增加1。

So, the expression return b++; 所以,表达式return b++; returns the previous value of b and updates b . 返回b的先前值并更新b When b is static the update stays around for the next function call; b是静态时,更新保持在下一个函数调用; when b is a plain old local variable, the update is lost (a smart compiler will even not emit code to update the object). b是一个普通的旧局部变量时,更新就会丢失(智能编译器甚至不会发出代码来更新对象)。

Actually, this code doesn't compile, because b 's initializer isn't a constant. 实际上,这段代码不能编译,因为b的初始化程序不是常量。

Since b is static, it's essentially a global variable, and it gets initialized before main , at which point a doesn't exist. 由于b是静态的,它本质上是一个全局变量,它在main之前被初始化,此时a不存在。

If on the other hand we compile this as C++, b is initialized the first time that foo is called - so gets the value 64. At the return, b++ is incremented and stored as 65 - but the return value is 64. So if you call foo again, it will return 65 (and b is 66). 另一方面,如果我们将其编译为C ++,则在第一次调用foo时初始化b - 因此得到值64.在返回时, b++递增并存储为65 - 但返回值为64.所以如果你再次调用foo ,它将返回65(并且b为66)。

Edit based on edited code: 根据编辑的代码进行编辑:

So, the code essentially performs: 所以,代码基本上执行:

 int temp = b;
 b = b + 1;
 return temp; 

This is the way that C is define. 这是C定义的方式。 The result of x++ is the previous value x , but the value of x is increment. 的结果x++是以前的值x ,而是值x是增量。 Since static is essentially a global (but without a name, so you can't use it outside of that function), the value persists between calls to the function, and it is initialized before main is called. 由于static本质上是一个全局的(但是没有名称,所以你不能在该函数之外使用它),该值在函数调用之间持续存在,并且在调用main之前初始化。

return b++; is equivalent to: int c = b; b = c + 1; return c; 相当于: int c = b; b = c + 1; return c; int c = b; b = c + 1; return c;

To answer your new questions: - The function exits after return indeed, but before it returns, the expression b++ must be evaluated first. 回答你的新问题: - 函数在返回之后退出,但在返回之前,必须首先计算表达式b++ Evaluating such an expression will result in b being incremented. 评估这样的表达式将导致b递增。 - All activities in the function "end" after return but b is declared as a static variable, in which case its value persists through subsequent executions of the function. - 返回后函数“end”中的所有活动,但b被声明为静态变量,在这种情况下,它的值会在后续执行函数时持续存在。

To make it easier for you to understand, a post increment is like the following function 为了使您更容易理解,后增量类似于以下函数

int postincrement(int& x) {
    int y = x;
    x = x + 1;
    return y;

(Of course the compiler could optimize a b++ if it finds that incrementing b has no effect at all, but in this case it does have an effect (increment the static int b ) so it can't be optimized out.) (当然,编译器可以优化b++如果它发现增量b根本没有效果,但在这种情况下它确实有效(增加静态int b ),因此无法优化它。)

This post-increment is completely useless - because b has local scope, its incremented value is disposed after return . 这种后增量完全没用 - 因为b具有局部范围,其递增值在return后处理。 If your compiler is smart, it most likely to optimize it out. 如果您的编译器是智能的,那么它最有可能优化它。

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