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[英]Core Java Dynamic Binding

Please tell the reason for output we are getting. 请告诉我们输出的原因。

As per me, with b.getx() we will get the reference id of object of B and b.getx().x should get value of 10 but when I run this program the output is 5. 按照我的说法,使用b.getx(),我们将获得B和b.getx().x的对象的引用ID b.getx().x应该获得10的值,但是当我运行此程序时,输出为5。

class Base {
  int x = 5;
  public Base getx() {
    return new Base();

class Child extends Base {
  int x = 10;
  public Child getx() {
    return new Child();

  public static void main(String ...s) {
    Base b = new Child();

Field accesses (unlike method calls) are not subject to runtime dynamic dispatch, they're resolved purely based on compile-time types. 字段访问(与方法调用不同)不受运行时动态调度的影响,它们仅基于编译时类型进行解析。

The variable b is of compile-time type Base , therefore b.getx() is also of compile-time type Base , and so b.getx().x will be compiled into an access of Base's x field, not Child's. 变量b是编译时类型Base ,因此b.getx()也是编译时类型Base ,因此b.getx().x将被编译为Base的x字段的访问,而不是Child的访问。 This is confirmed by looking at the output of javap for the main method: 通过查看main方法的javap输出来确认这一点:

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   0:   new #3; //class Child
   3:   dup
   4:   invokespecial   #4; //Method "<init>":()V
   7:   astore_1
   8:   getstatic   #5; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   11:  aload_1
   12:  invokevirtual   #6; //Method Base.getx:()LBase;
   15:  getfield    #7; //Field Base.x:I
   18:  invokevirtual   #8; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(I)V
   21:  return

you can see that b.getx().x was compiled into a getfield instruction for Base.x specifically. 你可以看到b.getx().x被编译成Base.xgetfield指令。

Dynamic binding basically means that the method implementation that is actually called is determined at run-time, and not at compile-time. 动态绑定基本上意味着实际调用的方法实现是在运行时确定的,而不是在编译时确定的。 And that's why it's called dynamic binding – because the method that will be run is chosen at run time. 这就是为什么它被称为动态绑定 - 因为将在运行时选择将运行的方法。 Dynamic binding is also known as late binding. 动态绑定也称为后期绑定。

Base b = new Child(); is resolve at run-time and by rules of dynamic binding(run-time polymorphism) all method related to that should bind at run-time so... 是在运行时和动态绑定规则(运行时多态)解决所有与此相关的方法应该在运行时绑定所以...

public Base getx() {
    return new Base();

that lines return new instance of base class and you just called variable on that instance. 这些行返回基类的新实例,您只需在该实例上调用变量。

Dynamic Binding is runtime time process for looking the declaration at run time. 动态绑定是在运行时查看声明的运行时时间过程。 It is also known as late binding in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime rather than compile-time. 它也称为后期绑定,其中对重写方法的调用在运行时而不是编译时解析。 In an object-oriented system method overriding (dynamic Polymorphism) is done at run time. 在面向对象的系统方法中,覆盖(动态多态)在运行时完成。 When overriding one method with another, the signatures of the two methods must be identical. 当用另一个方法覆盖一个方法时,两个方法的签名必须相同。

Example: 例:

class Animal{

  public void eat(){
      System.out.println("Animals voice");

public void go(){
      System.out.println("Animals can walk");


class Dog extends Animal{

   public void go(){
      System.out.println("Dogs can walk and run");
   public void eat(){
      System.out.println("Dogs can eat a wide range of foods");

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