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[英]Not receiving pushwoosh push notification message in the device

I just installed the pushwoosh for android/phonegap and I am testing it with an android device connected to my laptop. 我刚刚安装了适用于android / phonegap的pushwoosh,并且正在使用连接至笔记本电脑的android设备对其进行测试。 It seems that the device has been registered successfully but after sending a push notification message, the notification was not displayed on the device. 似乎设备已成功注册,但是在发送推送通知消息后,该通知未显示在设备上。 In the show detail message in pushwoosh, it says "unauthorized", not very sure what the unauthorized here means? 在pushwoosh中的show detail消息中,它表示“未授权”,不是很确定此处未授权的含义是什么? I could see 1 subscriber in pushwoosh and this should have indicated that the notification have reached android galaxy note. 我可以在pushwoosh中看到1个订阅者,这应该表明通知已到达android galaxy note。

Any advice would be helpful. 任何意见将是有益的。 The catlog is as below: 目录如下:

05-16 09:49:27.509: I/GCMIntentService(21339): Device registered: regId = APA91bGgV04WDohU3SOorijBG6Qa_Duu6HytWwqemyH0CzsRep2OLe-DgSChzwTcqu_xDrFALY34lmbuiaFeNQptaMQ14NaYfl3syLzEa1Vi3OQQ10rZLSY0EqTPydUrVerK8DNCyxBy 05-16 09:49:27.509: W/DeviceRegistrar(21339): Try To Registered for pushes 05-16 09:49:28.119: W/PushWoosh: NetworkUtils(21339): PushWooshResult: {"status_code":200,"status_message":"OK","response":null} 05-16 09:49:28.119: W/PushWoosh DeviceFeature2_5(21339): Send AppOpen success 九月五日至16日:49:27.509:I / GCMIntentService(21339):设备注册:REGID = APA91bGgV04WDohU3SOorijBG6Qa_Duu6HytWwqemyH0CzsRep2OLe-DgSChzwTcqu_xDrFALY34lmbuiaFeNQptaMQ14NaYfl3syLzEa1Vi3OQQ10rZLSY0EqTPydUrVerK8DNCyxBy九月五日至16日:49:27.509:W / DeviceRegistrar(21339):尝试注册为推九月五日至16日: 49:28.119:W / PushWoosh:NetworkUtils(21339):PushWooshResult:{“ status_code”:200,“ status_message”:“ OK”,“ response”:null} 05-16 09:49:28.119:W / PushWoosh DeviceFeature2_5( 21339):成功发送AppOpen

I had the same issue on the null message. 我在空消息上遇到了同样的问题。 Looking at my console log I found this: 查看我的控制台日志,发现:

message is: {"message":"test", *other stuff here* }

After looking around I found this answer, which solved the problem for me. 环顾四周后,我找到了这个答案,这为我解决了问题。 (and was actually embarrassingly obvious) (实际上非​​常尴尬)

https://stackoverflow.com/a/16628012 https://stackoverflow.com/a/16628012

I hope that works for you as well! 希望对您也一样!

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